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General Questions

This is the place where questions are asked and answered regarding all matters relating to Melbourne Wireless. If your question is not here, try looking through all of the questions which are listed on TheEvolvingFAQ.

What is Melbourne Wireless all about?

Building a public wireless broadband network.
Melbourne Wireless Inc. is a non-profit incorporated association set up to help the community in setting up publicly owned and operated Regional Area Networks (RANs). Other groups exist in the other states of Australia, in overseas countries and other local communities have spawned from these groups.

What is a publicly owned and operated RAN?

A citywide External linkintranet (network) that is run by people like you and me.
It's a network created by the people, not the corporations. There are no fees to join a public network. The only related costs is that of the hardware you buy or build yourself.

Who runs Melbourne Wireless?

Anyone that cares to lend a hand.
Depending on who you ask, Nobody.

It's a community effort. If you've got something to offer, people are more than likely to be delighted for the assistance. Nobody runs this sideshow, but we have elected a person who turns up and takes the whip, and his role as president is unmatched.

The current committee members and contact details can be found on the committee page. There are others that run certain group functions, the working groups and are generally active in enough different forms of discussion to be considered active participants.

Hang around and see what you have to offer to each of the WorkingGroups (shown in the wiki and the mailing list as WGStructure WGInquiry, etc.). You'll probably find that the standard rule applies, of those who are doing things get more say than those who sit back and let the group move forward without them.

Why should I join a public wireless network?

Because true freedom comes from the freedom to communicate.
Imagine being able to provide web services, mail services, games servers, file archives and so on, without having to worry about phone line charges, exhausting your download limits and so on, chat and communicate with a collection of people who want to be able to interconnect their computers without having to be restrained by the bandwidth of their connection, or usage and volume limits. It's possible, but it requires your time, and some expertise. if you don't have any expertise, you can borrow ours.
Note: there is a difference between a RAN connection and an Internet connection. We will not be supplying internet connectivity to the RAN - at least until legal matters are sorted out. See InternetAccessFAQ

I've got a question, but it's not here.

Add your query to FAQYourAdditions where someone will answer it, and if it's suitable for inclusion here, also moderate or reformat as appropriate.

Although sent to the mailing list, the response may not be as quick as a direct question to the list so be prepared for a wait.

At the bottom of that page is a link to subscribe to it, follow the instructions and you'll be notified of any changes, but you will need to register an account and login before you ask your question or subscribe.

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