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Welcome to the New, Improved, WGInquiry!


To develop and put in a submission to the Broadband Advisory Group process outlined below


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The Inquiry

Call for Public Submissions on Broadband Issues

The Federal Government has established the Broadband Advisory
Group (BAG) to provide high level advice to Government on broadband
development. The Group's role is to ensure the broadband policy
framework maximises the economic and social benefits that Australia
derives from broadband services. The BAG will provide a vehicle for
fostering communication between stakeholders on both the supply-side
and demand-side of the broadband issue. As part of this process,
the BAG is now seeking public comment on broadband issues.

Key stakeholders including industry, state governments, and members
of the public, are invited to lodge submissions commenting on
issues within the scope of the BAG terms of reference. The terms of
reference, BAG membership and other relevant details are listed
on the BAG web site at:

Submissions must be lodged with the BAG Secretariat by email
bag@noie.gov.au by 12 August 2002. Alternatively submissions
can be lodged by mail to:

BAG Secretariat,
National Office for the Information Economy,
GPO Box 390, CANBERRA ACT 2601

to be received no later than 12 August 2002. Mail submissions
should consist of three (3) copies of documents in Word 97 or
compatible format, plus an electronic version on diskette or
CD-ROM. Submissions will be published on the BAG web site unless
The Secretariat receives a request for confidentiality.

Further information can be obtained by calling Amanda Brown,
BAG Secretariat on (02) 6271 1772 or by email to bag@noie.gov.au.

Task List

These are listed as a suggested path of attack only. Please add new items as you see fit, and we can discuss removing the superfluous ones. If you are willing to undertake any of the items on this list, please add your name alongside the item.

External linkPreparing a submission to a Parliamentary Committee Inquiry

Scratch Notes

A working page for ideas for the submission can be found here

BlankSlate is some ideas and points to consider.

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