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Diff: NodeGNA

--- Version 2 
+++ Version 3 
@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ 
 I will be attempting to make a co-linear omni fairly soon, when I can find the spare time to acquire the parts and solder it all together. I will need to find myself a cheapo old pc that I can use as the router for the local omni node, as I don't want to put my good spare pc into the roof with all the dust and other crap up there. 
-If anyone has any old galaxy grid sat' dishes that they dont want, I can gladly take them off of your hands (or roof) for you, as I could use one to set up a link between my house and CharlieFour's node (NodeGQZ). 
+If anyone has any old galaxy grid sat' dishes that they dont want, I can gladly take them off of your hands (or roof) for you, as I could use one to set up a link between my house and Charlie Four's node [NodeGQZ]. 
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