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Diff: NodeAFH

--- Version 1 
+++ Version 2 
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@ 
-! NodeAFH 
+### Index ### 
-!!! '''Location:''' Bentleigh%%% 
-!!! '''Owner:''' [toby rik ]%%% 
-!!! '''Status:''' operational from lunch till midnite%%% 
+'''Location:''' Bentleigh%%% 
+'''Owner:''' [toby rik ]%%% 
+'''Status:''' operational from lunch till midnite%%% 
-!!! '''Line of Sight:''' 
+!! Line of Sight: 
 16db galaxy that can see the city and the dandys%%% 
-http://members.optushome.com.au/mibz/360.jpg  %%% 
-http://members.optushome.com.au/mibz/afh1.jpg  %%% 
-http://members.optushome.com.au/mibz/afh2.jpg  %%% 
-http://members.optushome.com.au/mibz/afh3.jpg  %%% 
-http://members.optushome.com.au/mibz/afh4.jpg  %%% 
+(http://members.optushome.com.au/mibz/360.jpg 360.jpg - large) 
+(http://members.optushome.com.au/mibz/afh1.jpg afh1.jpg - large) 
+(http://members.optushome.com.au/mibz/afh2.jpg afh2.jpg - large) 
+(http://members.optushome.com.au/mibz/afh3.jpg afh3.jpg - large) 
+(http://members.optushome.com.au/mibz/afh4.jpg afh4.jpg - large) 
-!!! '''Current Hardware/Software:''' 
-im running a debian gateway. (pent200 96meg of ram)%%% 
+!! Current Hardware/Software: 
+I'm running a debian gateway. (pent200 96meg of ram)%%% 
 1 cisco airo4800 pci%%% 
 1 cisco airo4800 pci ( yes 2)%%% 
 1 nokia c111 pcmcia%%% 
@@ -35,30 +35,26 @@ 
 The ESSID is '''95034848''' when its turned on as a AP%%% 
-!!! '''Services:''' 
+!! Services: 
 ssh access to my kismet client ssh to username melb password wireless 
 net is now avalible 
-!!! '''notes:''' 
-i can see [NodeGHO] from my house in kismet but im trying to link with [NodeGEZ]%%% 
-i have done this page and will make a more active effort to get this node happening, but will only be around till febuary%%% 
+!! Notes: 
+Ican see [NodeGHO] from my house in kismet but im trying to link with [NodeGEZ]%%% 
+I have done this page and will make a more active effort to get this node happening, but will only be around till febuary%%% 
-!!! '''Obstacles:'''%%% 
+!! Obstacles:%%% 
 basicly i just need to linux my gateway which will be happening very soon, then it will just need a waterpump to make it all 100% quiet there is some big ass trees between me and [TxRx] but i dont think that is that much of a problem 
-!!! '''Progress:''' 
-''20030606'' the wind is blowing and loosend the guy ropes got to go fix them now :/ dam wind%%% 
-''20030525'' thanks to txrx and a non wireless friend and yaboo on the bbq we now have a 6.5 meter mast on my roof with a Superpass omni and a ap in a box + a 16db galaxy%%% 
-''20021205'' working out how to get LOS easyer%%% 
-''20021115''im fixing laptops%%% 
+!! Progress: 
+'''20030606''' the wind is blowing and loosend the guy ropes got to go fix them now :/ dam wind%%% 
+'''20030525''' thanks to txrx and a non wireless friend and yaboo on the bbq we now have a 6.5 meter mast on my roof with a Superpass omni and a ap in a box + a 16db galaxy%%% 
+'''20021205''' working out how to get LOS easyer%%% 
+'''20021115'''im fixing laptops%%% 
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