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Spelling: WaveGuide

A waveguide is a horizontally polarised omni antenna, typically being
either 180 degrees, or 360 degrees.

They are available commercially, but are rather expensive.

The above image shows the Rob Clark and Trevor Marshall antennas side
by side.

Trevor Marshall [1] has a web page [2] describing the design of the
waveguide, and the theory behind their operation.

A number of people have had waveguides manufactured [3] out of
aluminium, but the materials are still rather expensive.

Rob Clark [4] came up with the bright idea of using commonly
available downpipe to make waveguides.

Marcus [5] took the idea one step further, constructing a couple of
8-slot 180-degree waveguides, and testing them thouroughly [6] to
determine the performance.

The test results [7] show the downpipe waveguide has a gain of
approximately 16-18dBi, with the azimuth plots matching Trevor's
theoreticaly plots almost exactly.

[1] http://trevormarshall.com/
[2] http://trevormarshall.com/waveguides.htm
[3] http://narx.net/~mike/projects/waveguide/
[4] http://members.iinet.net.au/~clark/FreeNet/Waveguide/
[5] http://planetaxis-web.sytes.net/wireless/downpipe.cgi
[6] http://martybugs.net/wireless/antennacomp.cgi
[7] http://martybugs.net/wireless/antennacomp.cgi

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