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Spelling: WarDriving

Wardriving is an activity consisting of driving around with a laptop
in one's vehicle, scanning for Wi-Fi wireless networks.

Some people think war driving is illegal. Actually accessing
someone's network is illegal, but detecting the network is not.
This is unverified and AFAIK untested in Australian courts - can
someone verify this? -- TysonClugg [1]. Mmm, that wasn't the best
analogy really, now reading over it. *tired yawn*, perhaps it's time
to formulate another email to our mate Gary at the ACA -- gummAY [2]

* Software [3]

* Windows [4]
* Mac [5]
* Linux [6]
* BSD [7]
* On the down side [8]



* NetStumbler [9]

* allows you to detect Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) using
802.11b, 802.11a and 802.11g
* Last update: Wed 21 Apr 2004

* Airopeek [10]

* (Commercial) has a limited demo. a comprehensive packet analyzer
for IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs, is designed to identify and solve
wireless network anomalies.

* APsniff [11]

* Prism2
* missing? 05/2004

* Aerosol [12]

* A great little prog. Designed as a wardriving utility for Windows.
Supports PCMCIA and USB hybrid PRISM2 Adapters, and WaveLAN


* MacStumbler [14]

* a utility to display information about nearby 802.11b and 802.11g
wireless access points. Site
* Last update: 4/12/04

* KisMac [15]

* a free stumbler application for MacOS [16] X, that puts your card
into the monitor mode. Unlike most other applications for OS X we are
completely invisible and send no probe requests.
* Last Update: 30-04-2004


* Airo Sniff [17]

* missing? 05/2004

* APScan [18]

* a tool to use when looking to discover access points and save
captured traffic.
* Last update: 23rd-Mar-2002

* IWScan [19]

* source only
* Last update: 27-Sep-2001

* Kismet [20]

* Kismet [21]
* an 802.11 layer2 wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion
detection system.
* Last update: 07-Apr-2004

* PerlScan [22]

* Last update: September 25, 2001

* PrismStumbler [23]

* a wireless LAN (WLAN) discovery tool which scans for beaconframes
from accesspoints.
* Last update: March 10, 2004

* THCwardrive [24]

* a tool for mapping your city for wavelan networks with a GPS device
while you are driving...
* Last update: 2001-10-27

* Wavemon [25]

* Wavemon [26]
* an ncurses-based monitoring application for wireless network
devices (displays information like device configuration, encryption
and power management parameters and network)
* Last updated: 2002/12/21

* WaveRider [27]

* a wireless network discovery and auditing tool. Prism2, Lucent, and
Cisco based cards are supported.
* Last updated: 2003-02-01

* WepCrack [28]

* an open source tool for breaking 802.11 WEP secret keys.
* Last updated: August 21, 2001


* Airtools [29]

* a package that provides a complete toolset for wireless 802.11b


* Men sentenced to jail for wardriving [30]

* This is not in au, but....

[1] http://melbournewireless.org.au/?TysonClugg
[2] http://melbournewireless.org.au/?gummAY
[3] http://melbournewireless.org.au/#software
[4] http://melbournewireless.org.au/#windows
[5] http://melbournewireless.org.au/#mac
[6] http://melbournewireless.org.au/#linux
[7] http://melbournewireless.org.au/#bsd
[8] http://melbournewireless.org.au/#on_the_down_side
[9] http://www.netstumbler.com/
[10] http://www.wildpackets.com/products/airopeek
[11] http://www.bretmounet.com/ApSniff/
[12] http://www.stolenshoes.net/sniph/aerosol.html
[13] http://melbournewireless.org.au/?WaveLAN
[14] http://www.macstumbler.com/
[15] http://www.binaervarianz.de/projekte/programmieren/kismac/
[16] http://melbournewireless.org.au/?MacOS
[17] http://gravitino.net/~bind/code/airosniff/
[18] http://www.bastard.net/~kos/wifi/
[19] http://students.washington.edu/rlotz/swn/iw-scan/
[20] http://www.kismetwireless.net/
[21] http://melbournewireless.org.au/?Kismet
[22] http://sourceforge.net/projects/wavelan-tools/
[23] http://sourceforge.net/projects/prismstumbler
[24] http://www.thc.org/releases.php?q=wardrive
[25] http://www.jm-music.de/projects.html
[26] http://melbournewireless.org.au/?Wavemon
[27] http://www.wellenreiter.net/
[28] http://wepcrack.sourceforge.net/
[29] http://www.dachb0den.com/projects/bsd-airtools.html
[30] http://www.securitypipeline.com/network/26806438

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