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26th September 2008
Peter came up on the weekend and we hooked up netstumbler on the
laptop to the 24db parabolic reflector antenna. Lots of WiFi [1] stuff
around plus a few open APs. Nothing suitable for Melbourne Wireless
yet. :-( Peter has been doing some link simulations so we shall see
what comes out of that. I have figured out the best way to mount the
antennas....maybe on the weekend.

11th July 2008
Well at a recent Melb. Wire. meeting I picked up a 24db parabolic
reflector antenna and a 14db vertical patch antenna. I also found on
Ebay a badly advertised Diamond R100 (WL500g rebadged) router cheap.
The main problems I face are antenna mounting. Will drop in some
pictures soon.

Still gathering equipment and sorting out the best method for
connection at either end. Being in a two storey house is good for
height but not for distance between the head end and the network/pc

Can see across all of Beaconsfield to the North East. Can see
Pakenham to the East. Don't think there is much to the South Looking
West and North west, well that is interesting. Some houses visible and
the main part of the Melbourne wireless network. Not sure how high a
mast I will need.

[1] http://melbournewireless.org.au/?WiFi

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