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Spelling: NodeISI

I've recently moved in to a new home, DSL is finally connected (after
4 months waiting) so I can move ahead with my plans, which are...

1. General wireless networking. I was surprised to see a couple of
nodes (AAC:~500m and FOX:~1km) very close to me. At my previous
address the nearest node was over 4km away, and being in a rental
property the prospects of connecting to anyone looked fairly grim.

2. Provision of "free" internet access, utilising unused
download/transfer from my DSL plan. I use quotes because whilst the
access would be uncharged - ACA regs mandate this - it would not be
simply anonymous and anarchic. For my own legal protection I'd
probably need to have some sort of agreement with the people logging
in. I'm still not sure about this project, I don't know whether I'd
end up with a mini community of people making good use of my services
(which gives something back to me - something along the lines of being
a BBS sysop in the early 90s) or just a bunch of faceless leeches who
do their own thing.

I haven't hopped onto my roof yet, but I do live next to an old
access road which cuts a neat "do not build" line through the housing
estate, and looking east along that I can easily see mountains in the
distance. Next door (south) is a double storey house so that
completely limits my view of the inner city area. From my roof I'm
pretty sure I'll be able to see Mt Ridley to the north, which would be
a fantastic place to locate a significant northern suburbs
gateway/node. Mt Ridley contains plenty of housing (such as the
Highlands Craigieburn estate) so "putting a node on the mountain"
isn't as hard as it first sounds.

Current equipment:
Dlink 900AP+ access point (.11b)
MSI RG54G2 access point (.11g)
Avaya Gold PCMCIA card (.11b)
MSI PC54G2 PCI card (.11g)
Cyrix 120MHz with 10Gb HD to be built as a dedicated wireless server
(DHCP, WWW, Squid)

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