Melbourne Wireless Inc. Committee Meeting
Please address all comments and queries to the committee.
Attendance at committee meetings is by invitation from the committee
Members and the general public are welcome to attend any general
Date Thursday 9th Janurary 2003
Start 8:00PM
Finish 9:00PM
Location: Solomon Room
Ian Wark Laboratory
Bayview Avenue
Clayton VIC 3168
* _President_
Tyson Clugg (TC)
* _Vice President_
Darren Dreis (DD)
* _Secretary _
Vaskos Tsiatis (VT)
* _Treasurer _
James Healy (JH) - via telephone
* _Ordinary Committee Members _
David Gason (DG) (Absent)
Troy Mitchell (TM)
* _Guest Speakers _
1. Opening Remarks (TC)
TC> All been on holidays enjoying themselves - hope all have enjoyed
break and built antennas. Need to get back to work, holidays are
Good to be back. We have all been a little bit slack since last
2. Correspondence (VT)
TM> Area groups have been commented on, and require some
organisation. Inter-group communication (committee) could also be
utilised to higher degree to assist the situation. this could possibly
be a 'bah, its holiday season' thing, but point for discussion.
TM> we need to form a system for responding to emails and
communicating to members.
TC> we should note on the website that there is no committee activity
over the holiday period
TM> need to improve how we communicate.
* Regional Group Mail lists: While very productive for the local
members, much would also be good for the main group, it has been
suggested that area coordinators provide a 'group newsletter' or
similar, if the activity is there for post to the main list eg;
monthly ?.
TC> already discussed Is MW going to provide mail list services for
regional groups, if so, definitions and boundaries to be set.
TC> Boundaries already set (only guides)
TM> Are providing lists - will be established and people will be
notified, also digesting
6. Task List
DD> Through Robert Tchia (through
[1]), Channel 9 today show interview. Want to do story on CWN - want
to film stuff in action. They want to see what they can do. Mz
Megabyte. Voice and video over IP, gaming across wireless. Choose a
group that are doing it - VT or Julian's setup. They want to see
setup, they want to see groups using it. Show between 2 houses. Tysons
car, can download music from someone's house. Explanation of how it
synchronises with mp3 collection at home. Avoid mention of wardriving,
internet connection sharing, mp3 sharing. Want to do something in the
next couple of weeks. Should promote locfinder and have lots of MW
logo and web address. We need to find out who and where is going to be
VT> Speak to Dlink re: Micheal Florence for equipment - are they
prepared to donate equipment.
VT> Contact Julian if he wants to do it. TC to be interviewed as a
front for MW
DD> we need to be organise things so that we can get back to them
with specifics about what they want.
TM> really something the propaganda group should look at.
TM> Working groups to be cleaned out and confirmed if still active
TC> MelbPC [2] users group, DD's email to the committee for ideas on
topics to be presented.
Action points:
* Digest and group area mailing lists - TM to action this with Steve
* TM to call Rob and pick up server so that the machine can be
* VT to check out Tshirts & stickers and get pricing
* VT to do business cards (generic card)
* DD to send VT images
* Banner - Choose Vinyl
* DD to contact Nick Sibbing re poster
* TM to organise paper MW posters for BDI
* TM and TC to organise MelbPC [3] users group.
* TC to organise mail archives
* TC to organise online user database
* TC to give VT username/password for user database
* VT to contact Julian re: Channel 9 interview
* VT to contact Dlink (Micheal Florence) re: equipment
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