16/7/09 - Tried a link to ICQ, found I had LOS, but there was to much noise to facilitate a stable link at 2.4ghz. Currently back on ILE3.
23/2/09 - Got a
PoE adapter from pete so i can finally run the WL with out power problems, so now i have it up and running 24/7.
12/11/08 - waiting for pete to tell me which way to polarize, waiting for activity on the mailing list so i can get a idea of whats happening on the other side of the bay.
7/11/08 - Pulled the Ultrawap down to set it up for the Link to Port Arlington, raised wind surfing mast at south end of house.
22/10/08 - Epoxying the hills is now finished and the dish is up on the roof with the WL500g pointed at ILE, managed to connect at 36Mbs not bad! for a 33km link.
16/8/08 - Found that the feed horn on my newly acquired Hills dish was ridiculously unstable, I glued it on properly with some epoxy. Next step is getting it all on the roof, and pointing it, i think ill swap the Ultrawap with the WL500g for the GHO link. As for my lightning detector project, (which can be seen at the bottom of this page) I've nearly finished the board at school and I'm now figuring out how to hook it up to the WL500g, maybe getting a USB hub and a USB to serial adapter is the way to go.
13/8/08 - Bought Node KAK's WL500g and Cm9 and dish, (don't worry im not letting him get away from MW) and I'm proceeding to set it up.
11/8/08 - Fixed my static route and added a small web page >> << , I'm now building a server PC which i intend to run over night and administer with VNC.
5/8/08 - Was able to get a stable link to GHO, able to access GUR, HVC etc with no problems, although i still have to set ILC as my gateway. Now i just need to set up some form of web page and server.
PS. Big thanks to Pete for added the BOM's radar to his page.
22/6/08 - found that i could connect to GHO and get a very stable link with a avg ping of 6ms, and a download speed of 50kB/s. Was thinking that If i link to KAL who links to ILE it could be another route past GUR, so everything doesn't sit on GUR
17/6/08 - After trying to figure out why my connection to ILE was patchy and somewhat nonexistent, i concluded that it may be a mixture of the Ultrawaps poor signal receiving capabilities or the age of the coax in my dish, as i noticed, when you move the coax it produces a rustling sound and the signal strength varies a lot. So im going to try and crack it open and replaced the Old RG-213 with some new stuff.
11/6/08 - It seems that my TV antenna is fine to mount my dish and connect to ILE3. Although when i did i got kicked off ever 5 seconds, and the next day when i tried again, i connected but was unable to access or ping the network.
5/6/08 - Got my Ultrwap and a dish (thanks Pete) and ill be getting a weather proof box this Saturday hopefully, which ill mount on a windsurfing mast 13ft high on my roof.
6/2/08 - ive ordered a ultraWAP and a 24dbi grid antenna and hope to be connected to ILE by next month.
15/08/07 - Made a cantenna and had a stumble from my roof, i was able to pick up ILE2 and GHO South, though was unable to connect due to -90db
29/04/07 - made a panorama of my LOS and im trying to host it somewhere.
04/04/07 - I cut out some mesh form a old fire-screen and bent it into shape and braced it with some metal rods, it wasn't a very good job and I wasn't expecting the extra 5db of gain!
02/04/07 - Went looking for other nodes in Line of Sight
12/03/07 - Planed a Node