Location: Box Hill
Owner: Lunn
Status: waiting/gathering
Line of Sight:
- North - no further than the railway line (800m)
- West - no further than about Elgar Rd (800m)
- South - no further than about Kingswood College (600m)
- South-East - a little further than the East Burwood Kmart (>5km)
- East - The dandenongs on the horizon (20km) but I'm not sure about what I can actually see in front of them
Current Hardware/Software:
- PC Router
- 75Mhz Pentium
- 32Meg of RAM
- 100BaseTx NIC to LAN with 4 clients
- 10BaseT NIC to optus@home
- 11Mbps 802.11b wireless NIC for wireless clients
- Debian GNU/Linux
- One yet-to-be-modified 18dB galaxy antenna
Probable Hardware/Software:
- several ex-galaxy antennas
- AccessPoints to be mounted in antenna mast for point-to-point link (hopefully running Linux) connected by cat5 UTP with PoE
- an additional NIC in the router for each link
- AccessPoints are too expensive so I may have to look for another solution
- No one to link to at this stage, although NodeDBD has expressed interest
- 24/04/02 - On Friday I got hold of my first galaxy antenna. Tonight I went up on the roof and was able to see Kmart in East Burwood. Hopefully I'll be able to get a link in this direction and from there a link towards the city.
Version 1 (current) modified Mon, 26 Jul 2021 12:49:28 +0000
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