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+### Index ###
+!! Melbourne Wireless, Working Group Structure
+!!! Minutes 30/5/2002
+Geebung Polo Club, Auburn Road Hawthorn
+Attendance: Ryan Abbenhuys, Steven Haigh, Glen Brunning, Darren Dreis, David Clae Gason, Tyson Clugg, Dwayne Jones-Evans%%%
+Apologies: Andrew Stevenson, Rowan Wainwright-Smith%%%
+Guest: Mick Moran (lawyer)%%%
+Meeting opened 8:09pm
+The minutes of the previous meeting were generally accepted.
+General discussion about wireless networking and the aims of Melbourne Wireless for the benefit of our guest.
+!!! AGENDA: %%%
+* Adoption of Model Rules
+* Role Of Working Groups - postponed
+At the previous meeting, it was agreed to put forward to the general membership the proposal that we incorporate under the Model Rules for an Incorporated Association before June 30th, the end of the financial year. At that point, the existing commitee (President, vice president, treasurer, secretary and two ordinary members) will become the committee of the new association, and all office holders will retain their current positions unitl the next general election.
+Darren Dreis was nominated as vice president - moved by SH, seconded by GB, carried. SH is to notify the MW mailing list of this, and call for objections before June 13th.
+The first general election was set for the September general meeting, to be held under the model rules. Modifications to those rules will continue to be discussed by WGStructure, and put ot a vote at a later date - moved DCG, seconded TC, carried.
+We went through the model rules point by point to make sure that everyone in the WG was clear on them.
+Meeting adjourned 9:24, re-convened 9:34
+Some discussion of legal liability of the association for actions taken by individuals which might injure themselves or others in setting up their connections. MM advised that individuals are generally liable for their own actions. MW offers information only. He advised that a disclaimer on the website "couldn't hurt".
+The fees for membership of the association were agreed as zero joining fee, and a $5 annual subscription - moved SH, seconded TC, carried.
+The Melbourne Wireless mailing list is to be notified ASAP that WGStructure has recommended association under the Model Rules before June 30, with any modifications to those rules to be created and voted on at a later date, and that the June 14th meeting will discuss and vote on that issue. - SH to do. The same notice is to be posted to the MW website. Both to contain a link to the Model Rules of Association, and to appendix four (Fees).
+In addition, we are calling for nominations, before or at that meeting, for two ordinary members to be elected to the committee by the membership. Anyone nominating, or being nominated and intending to stand for election, should read and understand the Model Rules. This notice also to explain that the existing committee (Pres, sec, VP, treas) and the two elected members will become the committee of the new association
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