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Diff: Router

--- Version 4 
+++ Version 5 
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ 
 A router can be a dedicated device or it can be a normal PC with two or more network cards.  It operates a bit like a postal exchange.  Network data is sent as '''packets'''.  Each packet contains information as to its destination.  A router will read the destination of every packet it receives and work out where to send it.  It does this by consulting its '''Routing Table'''.  The Routing Table is a list of destination network addresses and/or subnets.  In this list each destination is cross-referenced to one of the router's network interfaces and the address of the next router on the path to that destination.  The router does not "know" the entire delivery path or '''Route''' of the data.  It simply "knows" that by sending the data to the appropriate interface it will get to its destination. 
-Routers often have a '''Default Route''' (sometimes called a '''Default Gateway''' in their Routing Tables.  If the router receives a packet that is destined for an address that is not in its Routing Table, the router will send that packet to the '''Default Gateway''', if it has one.  If the router does not have Default route and it does not "know" where to send the packet, it will send a ''Destination Host Unreachable'' or similar message back to the sender. 
+Routers often have a '''Default Route''' (sometimes called a '''Default Gateway''') in their Routing Tables.  If the router receives a packet that is destined for an address that is not in its Routing Table, the router will send that packet to the '''Default Gateway''', if it has one.  If the router does not have Default route and it does not "know" where to send the packet, it will send a ''Destination Host Unreachable'' or similar message back to the sender. 
 If you run [Windows] you can control your routes using the ''route'' command at a DOS prompt. ''route print'' will show your routing table. 
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