--- Version
+++ Version 1
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+Welcome to DAG.
+Pretty cool Node ID eh? It sort of suits the whole geeky arena that is 802.11 wireless.
+Node DAG is located in Geelong, Herne Hill, Victoria, Australia and is run by Andy Freeman. It changes all the time but today it is a Compaq WL400 access point mounted in a sealed box at the top of a 50 foot pole. It is using Power Over Ethernet (PoE) which is run from 5.25 inch case mod on the front of my PC.
+I have been known to War Drive around Geelong and Melbourne in the "wireless esky" (which is great fun).
+Need to know more?%%%
+You can see my web pages on: http://kawasaki.kz/wireless%%%
+Power over Ethernet - 5 inch drive bay hack - March 2002%%%
+(PoE using the power from your PC)%%%
+How to erect a 50 foot mast for 2.4Ghz 802.11b wireless. - Feb 2002%%%
+(15 meter sounds so much smaller)%%%
+79 Ford Escort - 802.11 Wireless%%%
+Netstumble and war driving in "The Wireless Esky" - Jan 2002%%%
+Or drop me a line...
+ andy@geelong.wireless.org.au