Diff: NodeBFI
--- Version 6
+++ Version 7
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
BFI History
+Moved to Mitcham, connecting to node JIA some 2 years ago
+Been having difficulties getting a good signal (-75dbm) and poor quality
+Thought it was due to heavy trees and a building in the way
+Changed freq today, and proved that to be wrong. Upgraded to 11n technology
+recently .Now have 2.5megabytes/sec uplink. Upgrades planned for JIA end this year
Replaced the grid on GWS with a boxtenna (integrated panel and radio in box)
The end result was a dramatic performance improvement since the 15m cable run eliminated as well as implementing POE (Power over ethernet). Nearly achieving 700kbytes/sec both ways to GWS. Next goal is to upgrade GWS end to 11g to improve link speed.
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