Diff: MiniPCI
--- Version 1
+++ Version 2
@@ -1,2 +1,5 @@
{http://www.pcisig.com/specifications/conventional/mini_pci/logo_mini_pci.gif http://www.pcisig.com/specifications/conventional/mini_pci Mini PCI}
The [MiniPCI Mini PCI] specification defines an alternate implementation for small form factor [PCI] cards referred to in this specification as a [MiniPCI Mini PCI] card. This specification uses a qualified subset of the same signal protocol, electrical definitions, and configuration definitions as the [PCI Conventional PCI] Specification. Where this specification does not explicitly define [PCI] characteristics, the [PCI Conventional PCI] specification governs.
+Don't try this at home! A MeshCube with six MiniPCI Wireless LAN cards attached.
+{http://www.meshcube.org/meshwiki/CubeFun?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=CubeWithSixWlans.jpg http://www.meshcube.org/meshwiki/CubeFun MeshCube with six Mini PCI WLAN cards}
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