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Diff: MeshCube

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+{http://www.meshcube.org/images/meshcube_klar_freigestellt.jpg http://www.meshcube.org/index_e.html MeshCube} 
+Taken from (http://www.meshcube.org/meshwiki/ http://www.meshcube.org/meshwiki/) 
+The MeshCube is a new hardware platform dedicated to WirelessLAN mesh routing, developed by (http://www.4g-systems.de/en/def.htm 4G Systems), Hamburg, Germany. With a 400MHz MIPS processor, 64MB RAM, 32MB flash and up to 8 MiniPCI cards, it is powerful enough to provide excellent security and encryption, and flexible enough for custom applications and modifications. See http://meshcube.org/english/specs.html or HardwareSpecs for more details about the hardware. 
+The (http://www.meshcube.org/meshwiki/MeshCubeDistribution MeshCubeDistribution) is the Linux distribution running on the MeshCube. Its main features are (http://www.meshcube.org/meshwiki/MeshRouting MeshRouting), autoconfiguration of networking, an emphasis on security (IpSec, VPN), and a compact design (to fit on the 32MB flash). It is completely licensed under the (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GPL) and will be developed as part of OpenEmbedded. 
+For more info read the MeshCube (http://www.meshcube.org/meshwiki/IntroDuction Introduction) 
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