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Diff: MelbWirelessMeetings

--- Version 2 
+++ Version 3 
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ 
 MelbWireless meets on a monthly basis, meetings are coordinated by the [WGMeetings Meetings Working Group].%%% 
-Each meeting is usually held on the '''second Friday of each month''', information on the next meeting can be found on the (http://melbourne.wireless.org.au/go/?NextMeeting NextMeeting) page. 
+Each meeting is usually held on the '''second Friday of each month''', information on the next meeting can be found on the (http://www.melbournewireless.org.au/go/?NextMeeting NextMeeting) page. 
 Please have a look at the [Calendar] for details on other events.  Details of committee meetings can be found on the [Committee] page. 
-(http://melbourne.wireless.org.au/media/photos/ Photos) of (http://melbourne.wireless.org.au/media/photos/index.ttml?dir=meetings meetings) are available for viewing in the (http://melbourne.wireless.org.au/media/ Melbourne Wireless Media Centre). 
+(http://www.melbournewireless.org.au/media/photos/ Photos) of (http://www.melbournewireless.org.au/media/photos/index.ttml?dir=meetings meetings) are available for viewing in the (http://www.melbournewireless.org.au/media/ Melbourne Wireless Media Centre). 
 * 2004 
 ** [Meeting20040611 Jun 11] 
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ 
 ** [Meeting20030110 Jan 10] 
 * 2002 
 ** [Meeting20021215 Dec 15] Christmas BBQ day out 
-** (http://melbourne.wireless.org.au/wiki/?installfest Nov 23) Installfest in assoc with Linux Users Group 
+** (http://www.melbournewireless.org.au/wiki/?installfest Nov 23) Installfest in assoc with Linux Users Group 
 ** [Meeting20021108 Nov 8] 2002 Annual General Meeting 
 ** [Meeting20021011 Oct 11] 
 ** [Meeting20020913 Sep 13] 
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