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Diff: CiscoAIR-PCM350

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 ### Index ### 
-!! Cisco Aironet 350 Series PCMCIA (AIR-PCM350) 
-A very nice PCMCIA device with excellent recieve sensitivity and strong (100mW) output power. 
-!!! Vitals 
-* __Manufacturer :__Cisco 
-* __Model :__AIR-PCM350 
-* __Type :__PCMCIA 802.11b 
-* __External Antenna Jack:__No (try the LMC series instead) 
-* __Chipset:__ 
-* __Power :__100mW 
-* __Recieve Sensitivity :__ 
-* __Drivers URL :__ (http://www.cisco.com/pcgi-bin/Software/WLAN/wlplanner.cgi Start here) or (http://www.cisco.com/pcgi-bin/Software/Tablebuild/download.cgi/Windows-Client-Installation-Wizard-v11.exe?code=&software_products_url=&isChild=&appName=&filename=cisco/crypto/3DES/wireless/aironet/wizard/windows/Windows-Client-Installation-Wizard-v11.exe sign away) 
-* __Available New :__ 
-* __Average Price :__ 
-* __Vitals last updated :__2002-12-05 
-!! Official Details 
-!! Pictures 
+! Vitals 
+||'''Manufacturer '''|| Cisco || 
+||'''Model '''|| AIR-PCM350 || 
+||'''Type '''|| PCMCIA 802.11b || 
+||'''External Antenna Jack'''||No (try the LMC series instead) || 
+||'''Chipset'''|| || 
+||'''Power '''|| 100mW || 
+||'''Receive Sensitivity '''|| || 
+||'''Drivers URL '''|| (http://www.cisco.com/pcgi-bin/Software/WLAN/wlplanner.cgi Start here) or %%%(http://www.cisco.com/pcgi-bin/Software/Tablebuild/download.cgi/Windows-Client-Installation-Wizard-v11.exe?code=&software_products_url=&isChild=&appName=&filename=cisco/crypto/3DES/wireless/aironet/wizard/windows/Windows-Client-Installation-Wizard-v11.exe sign away)|| 
+||'''Available New '''|| || 
+||'''Average Price '''|| || 
+||'''Vitals last updated '''|| 2002-12-05 || 
+! Pictures 
 {http://www.tcnj.edu/~nts/images/wireless/aironet_pccard1.jpg Cisco Aironet 350 PCMCIA} 
-!! Operating Systems 
-!!! Windows 98/2000/ME 
-The Aironet Client Utility (ACU) is a good tool for configuring the Aironet devices. 
-!!! Linux 
+! Operating Systems 
+!! Linux 
 I believe it works... ? 
 It certainly does, the modules are included with the kernel (2.4.xx and above) and once they are loaded it works. I don't know if there are any finer points to running it as it's always worked [GlennMcKechnie Graybeard] 
+!! Windows 
+!!! Windows 98/2000/ME 
+The Aironet Client Utility (ACU) is a good tool for configuring the Aironet devices. 
-!! Firmware 
+! Firmware 
 The newer version (v42530) is ratified against the 802.1x security protocol.  Visit the drivers URL mentioned in the Vitals above to download. 
-!! Misc Notes 
-A good all around client adapter, but if you want something even better, try the LMC series which are essentially the same except they have 2 external antenna connectors for you to play with. 
+! Misc Notes 
+The Cisco Aironet 350 Series PCMCIA (AIR-PCM350)is a very nice PCMCIA device with excellent recieve sensitivity and strong (100mW) output power. 
+It's a good all around client adapter, but if you want something even better, try the LMC series which are essentially the same except they have 2 external antenna connectors for you to play with. 
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