Diff: APlanForWikiSpam
--- Version
+++ Version 1
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+### Index ###
+! Overview
+Its rather simple. Rewrite each edit as an email, and use existing spam tools to classify the edit. Bayesian filters should work fantastically well for this application, though I can't think of any good reasons why more traditional filters such as (http://www.spamassassin.org/ SpamAssassin) won't work.
+! Wiki as Email
+!! Headers
+Most of the headers in this application are defunct, but well formed headers will help the filters work their magic in the correct fashion.
+!! Content
+The content is a little tricky. Do we simply supply the raw wiki text, or do we render into HTML? Which content do we include - everything or just the diff? Initially I think that the diff text in raw form should be enough, rendering into HTML is probably a good idea at a later date.
+! Filtering
+!! Bayesian Filtering
+The regular benefits of Bayesian filtering over other methods should apply equally as well on a wiki as in email. As with any Bayesian filtering, the system needs to be trained and so the training interface will probably be the most cumbersome component of our anti-wiki-spam coding.
+!! !SpamAssassin
+!SpamAssassin's default rules would need to be tweaked by use of a custom config file, as various tests (eg: MIME_HTML_ONLY) are useless in this context.
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