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Node FHC Owner: DagdaMor

Location: Hawker St, Ivanhoe

Status: Operational

SSID: fhc.wireless.org.au

Set your SSID to fhc.wireless.org.au. Node is handing out addresses so you should be able to play around a bit. Contact Me if you want to establish something more permanent.

Node Log

Jan 05 - Node has gone live.


Some node equip. details here .

Antenna SenaoinServer

External linkPanoramic shot from rooftop.


ATM there is a FTPd operational. Lots of fun stuff (no pr0n sorry!). Leech to your hearts content.


Get a 6 metre mast an get up above most of the trees.
Working on setting up a PoE powered minipc in a weatherbox (Thanks Dave!). The pc has a dual pcmcia card in it (PC104) so would make a good routing node...

Possible future expansion could be a big mast on the garage roof with the minipc etc.


I don't have any cash <- Well that will be solved soon.
I am surrounded by trees <-- who isn't :)
More seriously the mast is only 1.5 metres or so above the top of the chimney. I still have a good 3 metres or so of Heliax in a loop on the run from inside the house, so I am hunting for a cheap 5-6 metre mast which should get me above most of the trees.

Version 3 (current) modified Mon, 26 Jul 2021 12:49:29 +0000 by DagdaMor
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