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This page describes a hardware design for the Melbourne Wireless Router Project

This page is a bit lacking in in-depth explanation at the moment. I, DanFlett, will add more detail in the coming weeks as well as more photos and updated diagrams.

Please add your discussion points and questions under the headings at the bottom of this page.

Construction Drawings

External linkMWRP-Enclosure-v0.2.pdf (446k)
This document describes the component layouts and exact dimensions of the router outdoor enclosure, the indoor connection box, the sunshade and the pole mount. It was originally drawn with Micro$oft Visio. If you'd like a copy of it in Visio or Autocad DXF or DWG format, please email Dan Flett at conhoolio_at_hotmail_dot_com.

Data Sheets

External linkMWRPDataSheets.xls (33k)
This document contains a detailed parts list and costing, plus wiring data for the first two prototypes made by DanFlett.


Click each photo for a full-size version. I will add explanations to each photo in the coming weeks.

Photo: Assembled
Photo: Both-Underside
Photo: Connection Box
Photo: Heatsink-Clamp
Photo: Pole Mount
Photo: RPTNC-Hacksaw
Photo: RPTNC Sidecutters<br />
{http://users.bigpond.net.au/flett/wireless/MWRP/TN_Senao-InBox.jpg http://users.bigpond.net.au/flett/wireless/MWRP/Senao-InBox.jpg Photo: Senao In Box
Photo: Standoff
Photo: Standoff-glue
Photo: Sunshade-plan
WRT Heatsinks
WRT Underside


Add your comments/criticisms here. Please date each comment and, optionally, add your name.


Add your questions and requests for information or photos here. If there's some part of the enclosure or it's construction that isn't clear to you, please ask and I will explain and/or take a photo of it for you.

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Version 4 (current) modified Mon, 26 Jul 2021 12:49:28 +0000 by Dan
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