See also: MWRPFrottleDevDiscussion [1] (when it gets rewritten)
This is a quick diary of DanFlett [2]'s experiences installing
Frottle [3] under Debian.
Feel free to edit the info here into a more generic and informational
First off, I read the Frottle page above and followed the
instructions as best I could. The first thing it says to do is
download the source [4] for the version of IPTABLES you have
installed. I had 1.2.6a installed - a bit old, so I ended up being
lazy and installed the latest IPTABLES Debian package:
apt-get install iptables
I run Debian Unstable, so as of 2005/02/14 I ended up with IPTABLES
The Frottle docs say once you've downloaded and untar'd the IPTABLES
source you do a
make make install-devel
I didn't do this first. I found a Debian package called iptables-dev
so I installed it:
apt-get install iptables-dev
According to the package blurb, IPTABLES-DEV is "Header files, static
libs and documentation for libipq (iptables user-space packet queuing
library) and libiptc."
I went back into where I'd untar'd Frottle and did
and got errors - it couldn't find the file libipq.h. I would have
thought installing iptables-dev would put it there in the right spot
but I couldn't find it on my system. As a precaution I also followed
the advice in the Frottle INSTALL file:
There is a 'feature' in iptables which may cause make to fail. If you
get errors like: /usr/include/net/if.h:45: parse error before `0x1'
/usr/include/net/if.h:111: redefinition of `struct ifmap' etc Then you
need to edit /usr/include/linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_queue.h and change
"#include " to "#include ".
I was also thinking about changing the "prefix" definition in both
the Frottle and IPTABLES makefiles to "/usr" instead of "/usr/local"
because I noticed that Debian tends to install stuff, including the
IPTABLES package under "/usr" and not "/usr/local". In the end I
didn't. I just followed followed Frottle's instructions - I downloaded
and untar'd IPTABLES v1.2.11, ran "make" then "make intstall-devel". I
then went to the Frottle source directory and ran "./configure" then
"make" (it worked this time) then "make install".
Under Debian...
find /usr -name libipq.h -print
we can cheat by fudging it...
ln -s /usr/include/libipq/libipq.h /usr/include/libipq.h
and it will be picked up properly without any tarball efforts,
although it still needs the _ip_queue.h_ mods though --GlennMcKechnie
You found this after the IPTABLES-DEV package was installed? I assume
so since I installed the IPTABLES-DEV Debian package but not the
IPTables source with "make install-devel". It would be nice if we
could use the IPTABLES-DEV package and fudge it to make it work...
Yes, the development package was still needed. It contains the
required header file.--GlennMcKechnie [6]
Ah! Someone else has a very elegant solution to all the above issues
- check this link:
After trying to compile frottle on my debian 3.0 (own cc'ed 2.4.20) I
came up to cc errors you describe in INSTALL, ie net/if.h vs
linux/if.h "conflicts". Instead of editing headers I've successfully
built with: # apt-get install iptables-dev ###headers )" title=";)" />
-- GlennMcKechnie [8]
This all seemed to work fine. Then I decided I wanted to make it all
Debianesque in the /usr directory so I uninstalled Frottle and
IPTABLES-devel and did it all again, this time I did edit the "prefix"
in the Makefiles of both Frottle and IPTABLES to point at "/usr"
instead of "/usr/local".
No need for Makefile edits...
./configure --help
will show the following to work
./configure --prefix=/usr
-GlennMcKechnie [9]
I'd add that leaving oddball packages like this in _/usr/local_ is
fine, it's what _/usr/local_ is for. It an advantage when it comes to
working out what is actually _different_ between two systems, all
non-standard packages can be found in _/usr/local_ so a quick scan of
the directories shows what extra files/packages have been installed.
This didn't work. I had to edit to point at /usr instead
of /usr/local, ans when I did that and ran "make install" it
complained about autoconf-1.6 being missing. Frottle got installed to
/usr/bin where I wanted it, but when I went to run it the shell was
still looking in /usr/local/bin. At this point I gave up trying to
Debianize that particular aspect of Frottle, and went back to
I've come across this myself, it's remembering the last location of
the file. Logging out and back in may clear it, otherwise just specify
the path until it clears.
-- GlennMcKechnie [10]
Frottle creates /etc/frottle.conf.sample - which needs to be renamed
to /etc/frottle.conf and edited to specify what mode you want to run
it in.
Now we need to decide the most Debianesque way of installing the
required modules - iptable_filter and ip_queue - I say just chuck
those modules in /etc/modules, but I'm open to suggestions. I run
Shorewall and the needed modules seem to get loaded when Shorewall
runs (I think), but putting them in /etc/modules covers systems that
don't run Shorewall.
What's the most distro-neutral way for a package to make sure
required modules are loaded? --DanFlett 2005/02/16
_/etc/modules_ is debian (and friends) only. Putting them in there
(or the equivalent in other distros) means they load at boot up,
whether they're needed or not.
Insmod works for them all I believe, certainly >2.4. , so perhaps
just call them from the start up script. 2> /dev/null the output for
cases where the modules are already loaded.
Regardless of the method though good documentation in the form of
INSTALL notes will be the key, especially if a kernel build is
--GlennMcKechnie [11]
After I'm finished playing with Frottle, I might just submit a new
INSTALL file as a patch to their CVS. --DanFlett 2005/02/16
Frottle also requires some IPTABLES rules to operate properly.
In Client mode:
iptables -A INPUT -p UDP --sport 999 -j ACCEPT # Allow control
packets in iptables -A OUTPUT -p UDP --dport 999 -j ACCEPT # Allow
control packets out iptables -A OUTPUT -p ALL -o eth1 -j QUEUE # where
eth1 is the wireless interface iptables -A FORWARD -p ALL -o eth1 -j
QUEUE # where eth1 is the wireless interface
In Master mode:
iptables -A INPUT -p UDP --dport 999 -j ACCEPT # Allow control
packets in iptables -A OUTPUT -p UDP --sport 999 -j ACCEPT # Allow
control packets out iptables -A OUTPUT -p ALL -o eth1 -j QUEUE # where
eth1 is the wireless interface iptables -A FORWARD -p ALL -o eth1 -j
QUEUE # where eth1 is the wireless interface
I think putting these in a Frottle init script would be the best
place for them. I'm no IPTABLES guru, so can anyone suggest a
complimentary set of rules to cancel these when Frottle is shut down?
I think I've worked it out:
iptables -D INPUT -p UDP --dport 999 -j ACCEPT iptables -D OUTPUT -p
UDP --sport 999 -j ACCEPT iptables -D OUTPUT -p ALL -o eth1 -j QUEUE
iptables -D FORWARD -p ALL -o eth1 -j QUEUE
-D to delete the rules added. Is this correct? --DanFlett 2005/02/16
Yes --GlennMcKechnie [12]
Next comes the init.d file - I'm going to use /etc/init.d/skeleton as
a base.
The problem with putting the iptables rules in an init file is the
init file needs to know if Frottle is being run in Master or Client
mode to know which set of iptables rules to execute. So maybe we need
separate init files for frottle master and frottle client.
/etc/init.d/skeleton wants one to use 'start-stop-daemon' so I'll see
if I can use that. It would be useful if we can run two instances of
frottle - one in Master mode and one in Client mode...
You could pass 'master' or 'client' as an argument to the startup
script and thereby get it to behave differently depending on the
Ideally the pid should be generated by frottle itself as it would
then be portable to other distros, start-stop-daemon is a Debianism I
think. --GlennMcKechnie [13]
I thought of doing that - and also of passing other arguments such as
the port and interface to the startup script - the problem is - how do
you get Debian to pass those arguments at boot-time? It's almost like
we need a script within a script - the init.d script shoud be pretty
simple and simply start or stop Frottle. We then have a wrapper script
for it that takes care of interfaces, ports, master/client mode, etc.
What would be ideal is if Frottle itself could call it's own iptables
scripts (depending on mode) and pass interface and port arguments to
it. I've been emailing the Frottle developers and am trying to get
some discussion happening. I'm still waiting for them to get back to
me. Ultimately, if there's any willing and able C programmers
available, we could just get the source and modify it ourselves (and
add PID generation while we're at it). Until then, we can just muddle
along with wrapper scripts. --DanFlett 2005/02/16
So, you want a patch that does what?
* Dump the pid to a file specified as part of the configuration
* Will call a script specified as part of the configuration (the
script would load IPTABLE rules).
* Will call a script on shutdown (to unload IPTABLE rules)
* Command line arguments -mode -interface -port
* ??
Additional parameters in the config file could be:
# pid file location #pidFile /var/run/frottle # Client launch script
(run during initialization) #clientLaunch
# Client shutdown script (run during exit) #clientExit
# Master launch script #masterLaunch /usr/local/
# Master shutdown script #masterExit
Adding arguments is easy, calling scripts is easy. Deciding what you
really want is the hard part.
--dna [14]
Put the rules, port and other specific variables in two config files
- _/etc/frottle-client.conf_ and _/etc/frottle-master.conf_. When the
script runs it can check if a config file exists
* if it doesn't it can be assumed that mode isn't required, so fall
through to the next operation.
* if it does exist, source the arguments (.
--sport $PORT -j ACCEPT" so that they are directly available to the
script -- or that _loop_ of the script.
There's bound to be a suitable "PID with case" example somewhere we
can borrow, however for the moment just run with the debian case to
see if it works for us.
While it's not critical to do it, best practice suggests we should
consider cases beyond our immediate interests. Even if we don't act in
ALL cases we can minimize the changes that may be needed for someone
else to add their bit.
--GlennMcKechnie [15]
I've thought of a different approach - how about configuring all
aspects of Frottle with a wrapper script - and the wrapper script
creates temporary config files for each instance of frottle running -
and deletes them when frottle is shut down? That way we can control
the modules, IPtables script, the interfaces and ports it is running
on, and which mode for which interface - all in the one place. To shut
frottle down the init script just does a 'killall -TERM frottle' just
like it says in the docs - and we don't have to worry about PIDs.
At the start of the wrapper script you edit the variables to
configure how it runs - or the wrapper script could possibly have it's
own config file.
I'll write something and post it here...
--DanFlett 2005/02/16
Creating temporary config files seems messy although having one
central config during testing would be an advantage.
Do you need to control them seperately?
killall will literally KILL ALL so both instances of 'frottle' will
die, you could hard link frottle as (say) frottle-master if it
Until the script is posted...
--GlennMcKechnie [16]
This script calls Frottle in client mode - for one interface, and
uses Debian's 'start-stop-daemon' to create a PID file. It can then
kill the specific instance of Frottle that it called using the PID,
without killing other instances. that for example, may be running on
other interfaces in a different mode. It uses the config file
/etc/frottle-client.conf - perhaps /etc/frottle/frottle-client.conf
might be better?
_'To Do:_
* Modify it so it can call (and shut down) separate client instances
for different interfaces.
* Find out if multiple interfaces can all share UDP port 999 for
Frottle control messages
#! /bin/sh # # Frottle Client init script by Dan Flett 2005 # #Put
your Frottle Client interface here INTERFACE="wlan0" #Change this to
the port you are running Frottle on PORT=999
NAME=frottle CONF=/etc/frottle-client.conf BINDIR=/usr/local/bin
PIDFILE=/var/run/ DESC="Frottle Client" test -x $BIN
exit 0 set -e case "$1" in start) echo -n "Starting $DESC " iptables
-A INPUT -p UDP --sport $PORT -j ACCEPT # Allow control packets in
iptables -A OUTPUT -p UDP --dport $PORT -j ACCEPT # Allow control
packets out iptables -A OUTPUT -p ALL -o $INTERFACE -j QUEUE # All
other traffic out via QUEUE target iptables -A FORWARD -p ALL -o
$INTERFACE -j QUEUE # All other forwarded traffic via QUEUE target
start-stop-daemon --start --pidfile $PIDFILE --make-pidfile --exec
$BIN -- $ARGS echo "." ;; stop) echo -n "Stopping $DESC " PID=`cat
$PIDFILE` PID1=`expr $PID + 1` PID2=`expr $PID + 2` PID3=`expr $PID +
3` kill $PID1 $PID2 $PID3 rm $PIDFILE # #Please check the below rules
- I'm not sure this is how they work -- Dan # iptables -D INPUT -p UDP
--sport $PORT -j ACCEPT #Delete iptables rules iptables -D OUTPUT -p
UDP --dport $PORT -j ACCEPT iptables -D OUTPUT -p ALL -o $INTERFACE -j
QUEUE iptables -D FORWARD -p ALL -o $INTERFACE -j QUEUE echo "." ;;
restart|force-reload) echo -n "Restarting $DESC " PID=`cat $PIDFILE`
PID1=`expr $PID + 1` PID2=`expr $PID + 2` PID3=`expr $PID + 3` kill
$PID1 $PID2 $PID3 rm $PIDFILE # #Please check the below rules - I'm
not sure this is how they work -- Dan # iptables -D INPUT -p UDP
--sport $PORT -j ACCEPT #Delete iptables rules iptables -D OUTPUT -p
UDP --dport $PORT -j ACCEPT iptables -D OUTPUT -p ALL -o $INTERFACE -j
QUEUE iptables -D FORWARD -p ALL -o $INTERFACE -j QUEUE sleep 1
iptables -A INPUT -p UDP --sport $PORT -j ACCEPT # Allow control
packets in iptables -A OUTPUT -p UDP --dport $PORT -j ACCEPT # Allow
control packets out iptables -A OUTPUT -p ALL -o $INTERFACE -j QUEUE #
All other traffic out via QUEUE target iptables -A FORWARD -p ALL -o
$INTERFACE -j QUEUE # All other forwarded traffic via QUEUE target
start-stop-daemon --start --pidfile $PIDFILE --make-pidfile --exec
$BIN -- $ARGS echo "." ;; *) N=/etc/init.d/$NAME echo "Usage: $N
start|stop|restart|force-reload" >; esac exit 0
#! /bin/sh # # Frottle Master init script by Dan Flett 2005 # #Put
your Frottle Master interface here INTERFACE="eth2" #Change this to
the port you are running Frottle on PORT=999
NAME=frottle CONF=/etc/frottle-master.conf BINDIR=/usr/local/bin
PIDFILE=/var/run/ DESC="Frottle Master" test -x $BIN
exit 0 set -e case "$1" in start) echo -n "Starting $DESC " /bin/echo
"0" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/accept_redirects # stop ICMP
Redirects iptables -A INPUT -p UDP --dport $PORT -j ACCEPT # Allow
control packets in iptables -A OUTPUT -p UDP --sport $PORT -j ACCEPT #
Allow control packets out iptables -A OUTPUT -p ALL -o $INTERFACE -j
QUEUE # All other traffic out via QUEUE target iptables -A FORWARD -p
ALL -o $INTERFACE -j QUEUE # All other forwarded traffic via QUEUE
target start-stop-daemon --start --pidfile $PIDFILE --make-pidfile
--exec $BIN -- $ARGS echo "." ;; stop) echo -n "Stopping $DESC "
PID=`cat $PIDFILE` PID1=`expr $PID + 1` PID2=`expr $PID + 2`
PID3=`expr $PID + 3` kill $PID1 $PID2 $PID3 rm $PIDFILE # #Please
check the below rules - I'm not sure this is how they work -- Dan #
iptables -D INPUT -p UDP --dport $PORT -j ACCEPT #Delete iptables
rules iptables -D OUTPUT -p UDP --sport $PORT -j ACCEPT iptables -D
$INTERFACE -j QUEUE /bin/echo "1" >
/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/accept_redirects # allow ICMP Redirects
again echo "." ;; restart|force-reload) echo -n "Restarting $DESC "
PID=`cat $PIDFILE` PID1=`expr $PID + 1` PID2=`expr $PID + 2`
PID3=`expr $PID + 3` kill $PID1 $PID2 $PID3 rm $PIDFILE sleep 1
/bin/echo "0" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/accept_redirects # stop
ICMP Redirects iptables -A INPUT -p UDP --dport $PORT -j ACCEPT #
Allow control packets in iptables -A OUTPUT -p UDP --sport $PORT -j
ACCEPT # Allow control packets out iptables -A OUTPUT -p ALL -o
$INTERFACE -j QUEUE # All other traffic out via QUEUE target
iptables -A FORWARD -p ALL -o $INTERFACE -j QUEUE # All other
forwarded traffic via QUEUE target start-stop-daemon --start --pidfile
$PIDFILE --make-pidfile --exec $BIN -- $ARGS echo "." ;; *)
N=/etc/init.d/$NAME echo "Usage: $N start|stop|restart|force-reload"
>; esac exit 0
These scripts seem to do the job of starting and stopping separate
instances of Frottle in client and master mode. They just need a bit
of polishing to stop multiple instances of the same mode - or at least
- different PID files for different instances on different interfaces.
It remains to be seen wether running two or more instances of Frottle
(master and client) on port 999 will work in practice.
Are you thinking of a box being Master on one network and a client on
another? Because it is using UDP the communication is connectionless
so multiple instances can share a port. Looking in the source the
master thread listens on the port and the clients write to the
specified port/IP Address of the master. So you caould get away with
not changing the port except if you have two master instances on the
same machine. The client does not open the specified port ratehr a
random port is opened but it writes to the specified port on the
master. The master will return messages to the originating IP Address
and port. --dna [17]
I'm going to continue this discussion and outline how I want it to
work on MWRPFrottleDevDiscussion [18]. I've worked out that every
instance of Frottle using port 999 will work just fine because I want
each instance of Frottle to operate on a separate network interface -
so there should never be a clash. Our big problem currently is the
limitations of the IPTables QUEUE target - apparently you can't have a
separately controllable QUEUE for each network interface in the one
box. The IPTables MARK target may solve this issue, but Frottle would
probably need to be modified to take advantage of it. I need to read
up more on the QUEUE and MARK targets to see what they are capable of.
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