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Diff: TheWorldsMostExpensiveWalkieTalkies

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+++ Version 1 
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ 
+!! The World's Most Expensive Walkie Talkies. 
+So just what would the world's most expensive walkie talkies consist of?  Take a modern high end notebook PC running Windows, Linux or FreeBSD and add the following ingredients: 
+* 802.11b wireless network interface. 
+* SpeakFreely for your chosen operating system. 
+* A dozen geeks with similar setups at a MelbWireless meeting. 
+* Several dozen to watch on with amusement. 
+* Wireless infrastructure to make all this happen (AP, DNS, DHCP, SpeakFreely conference server). 
+And you have a recipe for a lot of fun and experimentation.  All that needs to be done then is to load up SpeakFreely, plug in one's headset and walk around talking to everyone else! 
+Unlike other walkie talkies, you can also surf web servers on the LAN, play games, leech files and do other cool things while chatting. 
+Got my sound working under Linux, so I'll be changing operating systems for the next VoIP session. :-) 
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