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Spelling: MelbourneWirelessFirmware

The Melbourne Wireless Firmware is a firmware image for wireless
routers for the purpose of creating and extending the Melbourne
Wireless community network.

Currently, the Melbourne Wireless Firmware is a slightly-modified
Freifunk Firmware image. Customisations and localisations will be
added via add-on packages. We will stick with Freifunk until it's
planned merge back into OpenWRT [1].


Planned add-on features for the Melbourne Wireless firmware include
the integration of the MWHotspot [2] package. Also planned are further
social networking features such as guestbooks and other ways to
communicate with other users of the same hotspot.


The Firmware is distributed via the Melbourne Wireless website using
the Firmware Builder [3]. The Firmware Builder makes the task of
configuring and customising the firmware very easy.


OLSR [4] is the routing protocol used by the firmware. OLSR is easy
to configure and has features that are well-suited to community
wireless networks.


The primary design philosophy behind the firmware is reducing the
learning-curve and the hardware costs involved in building a node.
These have previously been major barriers to participation in the
Melbourne Wireless network. Using OLSR routing in conjunction with a
single wifi radio in adhoc mode with an omnidirectional antenna allows
node-owners to make links with similar nearby nodes easily, with no
pre-planning required. The hardware costs for such a single-radio node
are a fraction of the cost of a multi-radio node that uses directional
antennas. However, for node-owners wanting to add more radios to their
setup, multiple routers can be connected together at the same
location. Or the node-owner can build their own router and their own
operating system, run the OLSR protocol on it and be compatible with
the Melbourne Wireless Firmware.


The Freifunk Firmware is based on OpenWRT [6] WhiteRussian [7]. Any
of the routers listed as being supported by WhiteRussian [8] on the
OpenWRT [9] Table Of Hardware [10] in theory is compaitble with the
Melbourne Wireless firmware. We have found that currently the most
easily available compatible routers in Australia are the Asus WL-HDD,
WL-500g and WL-500g Premium. Older versions of the Linksys WRT54G and
the WRT54GL are also compatible. We eagerly await the first stable
release of OpenWRT [11] Kamikaze so that we can create a
Kamikaze-derived Melbourne Wireless Firmware for the Meraki Mini [12]
community wireless router.


The Melbourne Wireless firmware images can be flashed (installed) to
a compatible router by the end-user. The installation method can vary
between routers - the best documentation is the OpenWRT Installation
Guide [13]. If you have an Asus wl-500g Premium [14], please pay
special attention to the OpenWRT [15] installation notes for this

[1] http://melbournewireless.org.au/?OpenWRT
[2] http://melbournewireless.org.au/wiki/index.php?MWRPHotspot
[3] http://melbournewireless.org.au/wiki/index.php?FirmwareBuilder
[4] http://www.olsr.org
[5] http://melbournewireless.org.au/?OPENWRT
[6] http://openwrt.org
[7] http://melbournewireless.org.au/?WhiteRussian
[8] http://melbournewireless.org.au/?WhiteRussian
[9] http://melbournewireless.org.au/?OpenWRT
[10] http://wiki.openwrt.org/TableOfHardware
[11] http://melbournewireless.org.au/?OpenWRT
[12] http://meraki.net/products/mini/
[13] http://wiki.openwrt.org/OpenWrtDocs/Installing
[14] http://wiki.openwrt.org/OpenWrtDocs/Hardware/Asus/WL500GP
[15] http://melbournewireless.org.au/?OpenWRT

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