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Diff: DarrenDreis

--- Version 2 
+++ Version 3 
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ 
-Well, I've been on the list since about October 2001 and have attended most meetings. I'm a member of the [WGStructure] [WorkingGroups Working Group] and associated with [WGMeetings]. 
+Well, I've been on the list since about October 2001 and have attended most meetings. I'm the current VicePresident. 
 !!! About Me%%% 
-I started my working life as an Airborne Systems Engineer in the RAAF (yes, that means I'm an electronics and RF nerd!). I also worked in the pro sound and lighting field for a couple of years. I'm currently (past 10 years) the IT & Solutions manager for a medium sized document consulting & business equipment (http://www.ndpgroup.com.au company.) %%% 
-On a personal front, I'm married with a 3 year old daughter. So, with all this, my time is limited, but I certainly try to contribute where I can to melbwireless.%%% 
-I'm also one of those 'lucky' people who's only broadband options at home are Telstra based DSL (yuk). YUK.... turns out I'm too far from my exchange, apparently I live in Dial-up Siberia! Bring on the wireless!%%% 
+I started my working life as an Airborne Systems Engineer in the RAAF (yes, that means I'm an electronics and RF nerd!). I also worked in the pro sound and lighting field for a couple of years. I'm currently (past 12 years) the IT & Solutions manager for a medium sized document consulting & business equipment (http://www.ndpgroup.com.au company.) %%% 
+On a personal front, I'm married with 2 kids. So, with all this, my time is limited, but I certainly try to contribute where I can to melbwireless.%%% 
 !!! Projects%%% 
 * [WL200] as an AP 
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ 
 !!! Nodes 
-* At home [NodeCCD] (in final testing) 
+* At home [NodeCCD] 
 * At work NodeCCI (waiting) 
-* [NodeGHO] on Mount Dandenong (building) 
+* [NodeGHO] on Mount Dandenong (testing) 
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