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From the External linkMapServer Homepage:
MapServer is an OpenSource development environment for building spatially enabled Internet applications. Melbourne Wireless use MapServer to draw maps in LocFinder, as shown in the maps below.

Node AFH Legend

Rendering Issues

Currently, we have not got our maps/MapServer setup correct, there are issues with the way that maps are rendered. In the map above, the following issues need to be addressed:
Please do not add LocFinder bugs here, this section is for map rendering issues only.

Feature Requests

Sample Coloured Contour Map
Maps like this give you a good at-a-glance view of the "lay of the land" and will greatly assist node-owners plan potential links. Whilst the info is not as specific as a Cross-Sectional View between two nodes, it does give a good overall idea. It should be fairly easy to implement - as easy as putting numbers on the contour lines! :)

Version 12 (old) modified Mon, 26 Jul 2021 12:49:29 +0000 by gummAY
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