### Index ### ---- ! Goal To Optimise Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) in terms of its Reliability (data packet loss) and Speed. This is a Honours Project by the University of Adelaide. Our WLAN complies with IEEE 802.11b. This means, we are operating on 2.4 GHz Free Spectrum Band and the optimal speed is up to 11 Mega-bit per second (Mbps). !! Members Silynda Zhou Ping Shyan Lim !! Mailing List Please mail to: a1068855@student.adelaide.edu.au ! Discussion We are using the Minitar Access Points with Realtek RTL8181 CPU processor. This project focuses on improving the data transmission by writing kernal programs in the access points to dynamically change to the best Signal to Noise Ratio channel when the current one experiences bad performance {namely Dynamic Channel Switching (DCS) method - between channel 1 to 11), and finding the optimal packet structure between any APs under any condition (between 30 to 2346 bytes standard). We have questions and would like any open suggestion of ideas to help us better the performance of wireless LAN. Currently we have questions: !! Question 1 Any suggestions on how to tackle the problem listed above? !! Question 2 In order to write the optimisation algorithm, we need a few values from the AP registers - namely data packet loss value from the access point client, and the time taken for transmission. From the Realtek data sheet I noticed a few values that resembled the values we need, but not sure which one should take as the measurement for data packet loss: 1. Receive Error Count (ETH_RXER) from either the Ethernet 0 or 1 Register set that increments by 1 for each valid packet received. Or 2. Received Error (RER) or Receive OK (ROK) that indicated packet receptions at the receiving end from the Interrupt Status Register (WLAN_ISR) ? !! Question 3 Given that Realtek has not released the full version driver for the Minitar Access Point, should we - 1. Write our C program driver algorithms into the AP kernal source code? Or 2. Write Shell Script to accomondate our algorithms? !! Conclusion This [WLANOptimisationWorkingGroup] has not come to final conclusion yet. A formal announcement will be made before conclusion of this group. ---- Back to [WorkingGroups]