Welcome to my page ### Index ### --- ! Alternative to FTP !! What's wrong with FTP? Currently most people have setup up FTP server in an effort to share files on the network. It has several positive aspects: * Secure * Easy to set up and use * Platform independent * Little to no maintenance required But is has some large disadvantages also: * You need to log into each and every server to see what files are available * You have to click your way through a directory structure * You are required to know all of the servers that are available * Passwords have to be allocated and managed if the security is enabled !! What is open Nap? Originally, Napster was a distributed file sharing service which allowed users to transfer files directly between their clients for free. A centralized server kept track of all available files and provided clients the ability to search the index of available files. In addition, instant messages (private chat) and group chat services similar to IRC were also provided. OpenNap is a free Open Source effort to create a version of the proprietary Napster server. !! Advantages * Completely open source * win32 and Linux version of Open Nap (the server) are available * There are a large number of client applications available for every platform * Multiple number of servers can link together * Highly configurable (server end) * Support IRC style chat * Users can list or search through all files available on the network * As soon as a new user or new files are available they become visible to everyone !! Why not Bit Torrent Bit torrent is great for the internet, but most of its advantages are lost for in a wifi network like that of Melbourne wireless. The biggest disadvantage of bit torrent is the need to download the seed file: # This means a central web server / repository will need to list all seed files available on the network. # Users will have to create a new seed file and upload it to the central repository each time a new file is added to their share (assuming is it not already on the network) # As old files are deleted then central repository will need to be kept up to date. !! Clients The following is a list of known clients to support the Opennap NG server. Part of the administration of Opennap NG is carried out via clients. The bold entries are recommended clients, as they are # full featured # fully compliant to the protocol # open source # available for free # well suited for administrating Opennap NG table broken! !! Links http://www.napster.com/ http://opennap-ng.sourceforge.net/ --- ! Node HVG: Currently using a home made 8db connected to a linksys wrt54g router with an output of 28mW in access point mode on channel 11. Other then me, no one is connected to this. Have built a 2003 server using OSPF routing (thanks Richard!) with a saneo 200mw PCMCIA card going to a large galaxy antenna. Vak sells a great little unit for moding the galaxy antenna, you must check it out! This is connected to Node FPY at 11mps with a good to fair signal Have a spare wifi card and antenna, would like to use this to connect to the next node ;) !! Pic of my rig {http://members.optusnet.com.au/~renjar/nodeHVG.JPG My ugly rig}