'''Node:''' (/nodes/view.php?id=GPR GPR) '''Name:''' Cuddles (dedicated to the old grey tabby that used to live here) '''Location:''' Reservoir '''Supervisor:''' [BenG] !!! View/Connectability The view from node GPR is fantastic. Due South is the only direction you can't see for 10+ kilometres. Reservoir, Thomastown, Lalor, Mill Park, Macleod, Ivanhoe, Fairfield, Templestowe, Doncaster and Broadmeadows are all visible from the rooftop. !!! Logbook '''5/4/04: Up and running!''' The node was switched on permanently today, though I'm still trialing the whole setup out. NodeDJJ is permanently linked and provides DHCP services to anyone that connects to GPR. Anyone in the northern suburbs, get out there and stumble! It should be easy to pickup even with a cantenna if you've got good LOS and are within a few clicks. '''ESSID:''' gpr.wireless.org.au '''MAC:''' 00:40:F4:80:B3:8B '''Channel:''' 1 '''4/4/04: NodeGPR going online!''' Installation of a 10dBi omni and an SVEC AP went through without a hitch today. AP will be permanently turned on some time this week, as soon as some cabling issues are sorted out. Managed to grab a signal with 24db SNR from NodeDJJ, so it seems like it will work nicely. Pics of antenna and view up soon.