Node GHA is in central Brunswick (part of [RGInnerNorth]). !!! Status Testing. As soon as I have an assigned IP number and the system running reliably, I will post an update to the inner north mailing list. * Hardware/software: [FreeBSD] 4.7 running on a VIA 5000 Mini-ITX system using [EnterasysCards]. The [wi# problems in FreeBSD (and others)] page was extremely helpful in getting the Roamabout card and SVEC (Ricoh chipset) PCMCIA/PCI cradle working properly. * Antenna(s): Being built at the moment, starting with a Gumph omni variant. Email: for more information ---- ! Wireless adapter notes I have two wireless adapters for the node: a [MA101] and an Enterasys [RoamAbout] card. The [MA101] has been a pain to get up and running under Linux, but it's got some benefits: * I can run it at least 6 metres on a USB cable, which is a lot better than 6 metres of lossy coax * It's quite portable; no need for additional PCMCIA/PCI cradles etc. There is no [MA101] driver yet for FreeBSD (or any of the BSDs). Writing one is on the list of things to do.