### Index ### ---- ! Introduction TysonClugg has installed a computer in his car, and hence created NodeDCG. Having a computer in your car allows for some interesting things: * GPS Navigation with voice prompts. * An entire music collection available without scratching CDs. * Wireless signal mapping with NetStumbler. * Email from anywhere. * Dumping photos from a digital camera to hard disk, even when out camping in the middle of nowhere. ---- ! Node Database ||'''ID'''||(/nodes/view?id=dcg NodeDCG|| ||'''Coordinates'''||Umm... -37.87555 145.21494?|| ||'''Accuracy'''||Laughable!|| ||'''Status'''||Testing|| ||'''Using Device'''||Wyse USB|| ||'''Antenna'''||Built-in OmniAntenna|| ---- ! Vehicle {/~tyson/wikipic/?NissanPulsar.jpg Nissan Pulsar N16} ||'''Owner'''||TysonClugg|| ||'''Model'''||2001 Nissan Pulsar Sedan (N16)|| ||'''Colour'''||Charcoal grey|| ||'''Engine'''||4 cylinder 1.8 litre|| ---- ! Computer {http://www.viavpsd.com/product/images/M/epia_mini_itx.jpg VIA EPIA 5000 Mini ITX Mainboard} ||'''Model'''||(http://www.viavpsd.com/product/epia_mini_itx_spec.jsp?motherboardId=21 VIA EPIA 5000 All In One)|| ||'''Case'''||(http://www.mini-itx.com/reviews/2677R/ Cubid 2677R)|| ||'''Processor'''||VIA Eden C3 533MHz|| ||'''Memory'''||256MB RAM|| ||'''Storage'''||13GB HDD|| ||'''O/S'''||[WindowsXP]|| ---- !! User Interface !!! Display {http://www.hendoncarstereo.co.uk/trolleyed/images/products/xav7w.jpg Sony XAV-7W} %%% (http://www.xplodsony.com/products/?CATEGORY=Video&MD=XAV-7W Sony XAV-7W) * Reasonable image quality (NTSC/PAL), fonts below 14pt illegible (not suitable for word processing!) * Discrete when parked - looks like an ordinary stereo. * Provides 4x45W amplification to simplify audio setup. !!! Input (http://www.btcusa.com/btc2001_e/products_multimedia_wirele.html#4 BTC 5090) 900MHz Wireless multimedia keyboard/mouse %%% {http://www.btcusa.com/btc2001_e/images/5090.jpg BTC 5090} * "Dongle" is mounted within dash since LoS not required. ---- !! Wireless ||'''Manufacturer'''||(http://www.wise.com.tw/wisetech/technology/index.htm Wise)|| ||'''Model'''||Wireless USB Adapter|| ||'''ReceiveSensitivity'''||???|| ||'''Output Power'''||???|| ||'''Antenna'''||Fixed (2dBi?)|| ---- !! GPS Tracking {http://www.wireless.org.au/~tyson/files/nodes/dcg/misc/GeniusUSB.jpg Genius USB} %%% Equipped with a (http://www.rojone.com.au/gpsrxindex.html GPS unit) from (http://www.rojone.com.au Rojone). ---- ! Status !! CHANGELOG '''Wednesday 3 July 2002''' * Received Genius USB from (http://www.rojone.com.au/ Rojone) '''Wednesday 23 January 2002''' * Installed RedHat [Linux] 7.2 via FTP using [PCMCIA] network card * Tested playing 192Kb/sec mp3 using mpg321, CPU load was between 80 and 85 percent '''Friday 27 December 2002''' * Installed the Sony XAV-7W head unit and the Eden. ---- !! TODO # Complete dual battery installation # Get a sticker for the back window (ala: PropagandaSquad) # Touch sensitive film for in-dash screen ---- ! Components !! GpsDrive (http://gpsdrive.kraftvoll.at/ GpsDrive) is a car (bike, ship, plane) navigation system. GpsDrive displays your position provided from your NMEA capable GPS receiver on a zoomable map, the map file is autoselected depending of the position and prefered scale. Speech output is supported if the "festival" software is running. The maps are autoselected for best resolution depending of your position and can be downloaded from Internet. All Garmin GPS reveiver with a serial output should be usable, also other GPS receiver which supports NMEA protocol. GpsDrive is written in C with use of the GTK+ graphic toolkit and runs with Linux and FreeBSD. !! GPS3D (http://www.mgix.com/gps3d/ GPS3D) is a collection of utilities to manipulate a handled GPS device from your PC, and vizualize the result in 3D. Even without a GPS device, you can still use gps3d to play interactively with a 3D texture mapped model of earth and vizualize MapBlast maps in 3D. !! Freediag (http://freediag.sourceforge.net/ Freediag) is a suite of vehicle diagnostic protocols and an OBD II (mostly) compliant Scan Tool, currently for Linux platforms. OBD II is a standard for vehicle diagnostics relating to emissions implemented on all US vehicles since the mid 1990s. Europe has just introduced a standard called EOBD which is basically the same. The idea is that any garage/workshop will have a scantool and can diagnose vehicles with emissions problems - these are brought to the attention of the driver by a "Check Engine" light. This suite also contains protocol suites for some manufacturer specific protocols such as the protocol used on some Mercedes Benz gearbox controllers. It is intended to add the VW diagnostic protocol shortly. It is intended that this grow into a full blown diagnostic suite for configuring and checking faults on many vehicles. There are 4 physical interfaces specified for vehicles, ISO9141 (K-Line), ISO14230 (effectively the same as ISO9141), SAE-J1850 VPW and SAE-J1850 PWM. A 5th interface type (CANbus) is specified but not used for standardised OBDII diagnostics. The bulk of the original code and design was written by Richard Almeida, the code was then checked and made more portable as the first stage of a project to make it portable to Windows by Andy Whittaker. Much work has been done by Bjorn Helgaas on enhancing the usability of the scantool, sanitising the comments in the code and adding functionality to the scantool. !! OBDII Automotive Diagnostics (http://obddiagnostics.com/ OBDII Automotive Diagnostics) is an interface between a personal computer and a vehicle's OBDII diagnostic bus. It allows you to Read out trouble codes when your "check engine" light comes on. You can also clear these codes. You can retrieve pretty much any piece of OBDII mandated diagnostic data from your vehicle. The interface supports all three of the OBDII protocols used in US vehicles: VPW (General Motors), PWM (Ford), and ISO9141 (Chrysler, Asian, and European). BR-3 model also adds ISO 14230 protocol (also called Keyword 2000). !! GNUnilink (http://gnunilink.sourceforge.net/ GNUnilink) is a project to build a PIC to emulate the responses of a Sony CD MultiChanger, so that the Phono/RCA's on the rear on Sony head units can be used for a portable CD or MP3 player. !! Sony Unilink - Understanding the Unilink Bus (http://www.cus.org.uk/~cleggy/ Sony Unilink - Understanding the Unilink Bus). Unilink is the protocol used to communicate between sony and some alpine car audio products. The aim of this site is to promote an interest in the reverse engineering of the unilink protocol with the view to building unilink enabled devices. This is aidded by the Unilink Discussion Board and the various resources on this site. All information on this site has been collected by members of the unilink discsussion board through the reverse enginneering of unilink devices. The information cannot be guaranteed to be correct and is used at your own risk. ---- ! Comments