! Melbourne Wireless Inc. Committee Meeting '''Please address all comments and queries to [Committee the committee].''' '''Attendance at committee meetings is by invitation from the committee only. Members and the general public are welcome to attend any [MelbWirelessMeetings general meeting].''' '''Date:''' Thursday 9th Janurary 2003 '''Start:''' 7:00PM '''Finish:''' 9:00PM '''Location:''' Solomon Room%%%(http://www.csiro.au/index.asp?type=map&id=ClaytonVIC-IanWarkLab Ian Wark Laboratory)%%%Bayview Avenue%%%Clayton VIC 3168 !!! Attendees '''President:''' [TysonClugg Tyson Clugg] (TC) '''Vice President:''' [DarrenDreis Darren Dreis] (DD) '''Secretary:''' Vaskos Tsiatis (VT) '''Treasurer:''' [JamesHealy James Healy] (JH) - via telephone '''Ordinary Committee Members:''' [Clae David Gason] (DG)%%%[TroyMitchell Troy Mitchell] (TM) '''Guest Speakers:''' (none) !!! Apologies (none) ---- !! 1. Opening Remarks (TC) ---- !! 2. Correspondance (VT) ---- !! 3. Membership (VT) Details of membership will not be published due to privacy requirements, and will instead be minuted by the [Secretary] and kept separate from the public minutes. ---- !! 4. Financial Report (JH) !!! 4.1 Budget !!! 4.2 House bill status ---- !! 5. Business * '''Big Day In:''' general setup, attentdance and requirements for event. Demo's being held and people responsible/contributing. * '''MW T-Shirts/gear:''' As proposed in e-mail by Dave Freon (axxs). * '''Committee e-mail/external appearance:''' accessibility to members is no problem but e-mail responses, or lack thereof; have been commented on, and require some organisation. Inter-group communication (committee) could also be utilised to higher degree to assist the situation. this could possibly be a 'bah, its holiday season' thing, but point for discussion. * '''Regional Group Mail lists:''' While very productive for the local members, much would also be good for the main group, it has been suggested that area coordinators provide a 'group newsletter' or similar, if the activity is there for post to the main list eg; monthly ?. Is MW going to provide mail list services for regional groups, if so, defenitions and boundaries to be set. If not, promote web-list services for regional groups. * '''Put something here:''' ---- !! 6. Task List ---- Back to the [Committee] page.