!! Committee Members The committee of Melbourne Wireless Inc. is made up fo the following members: * President: [TroyMitchell Troy Mitchell] * Vice-President: [RyanA Ryan Abbenhuys] * Secretary: [VaskosTsiatis Vaskos Tsiatis] * Treasurer: [JamesHealy James Healy] * Ordinary members of the committee: [RyanM Ryan Mc Mullan] and [RikGrzyb Rik Grzyb] ---- !! Committee Meetings [CommitteeMeetingTemplate Template] !!! Agenda ### TitleSearch CommitteeMeeting200 ### !!! Minutes ### TitleSearch CommitteeMeetingMinutes200 ### ---- !! Committee Procedures * MembershipApplicationProcedure ---- '''Q:''' what is an ordinary member, and how do you become one?%%% '''A:''' An ordinary member of the committee is elected into position, these are not the same as general members. For more infomation, see the (http://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/cbav/fairattach.nsf/Images/assocmodel/$File/assocmodel.pdf MODEL RULES For an INCORPORATED ASSOCIATION).