[SimonButcher Simon] is the owner of [NodeFXC] and [NodeGFY]. He's all too often found on [IRC] under the alias 'pickle', on several networks (!AustNet, IRCnet, !UnderNet, DALnet, and others). He has [SimonButcherTrade lots of junk] he's trying to get rid of. Thanks to (http://melbourne.wireless.org.au/ Melbourne Wireless), he now winds up looking at antennas on various roof-tops whenever going anywhere. [SimonButcher Simon] believes Small World Theory is a mandatory part in the growth of the Melbourne Wireless mesh in providing short-cuts from one side of the city to the other, and is willing to set up a hub for some of those links from [NodeFXC]. If you need to contact me, often e-mail is the best method. You can do just that through (mailto:pickle@alien.net.au pickle alien.net.au).