!! Description * A regional group within Melbourne Wireless, that aims to promote and encourage the growth the wireless network in the central suburbs of Melbourne. (This includes suburbs like st. kilda, richmond, fitzroy, collingwood, hawthorn, burwood, kew, etc etc) See (http://www.melbournewireless.org.au/go/?RGBoundaries Boundaries) and our (/maps/area.php?id=1 area page) !! Goals * Meet reguarly, putting faces to names and building friendships, therby giving people a better reason to invest on the network than "it's cool"!! !! Members Andrew Garton - [NodeFJU] - (http://www.toysatellite.org/wireless/ Toy Satellite ) %%% [Drew] - [NodeAAA] - (no, not in AU right now, but will move into Central on return) %%% BrendanHiley - [NodeDIH] - Out in the NE, overlooking the rest of central. Will provide linkage to Yarra Valley. %%% DanRenowden - [NodeBCE] - already got a link going to NodeDIA. %%% JamesMollison - [NodeGBJ] - middle of richmond, testing with Fenn. %%% FennBailey - [NodeFDF], [NodeGIB] - S.Melb, Richmond respectively. %%% Jules - [NodeGKU] - In Richmond... done nothing noteworthy yet. %%% Michael - [NodeBAE] - West Hawthorn - if a node pings in the forest.... %%% Paul - [NodeGBO] - Richmond (Cremorne) %%% Abe - [NodeGKF] - North Richmond - linking to BAE %%% TroyMitchell - [NodeEGG] - City grid %%% [Clae] - [NodeCIB] - South Yarra - awkwardly sandwiched between Punt Hill and a big-ass bluestone church %%% Dan - [NodeGMR] - I'm actually in [RGSouthern] but I have LOS to the South-East corner of the RGCentral area and have been able to stumble my own signal from there %%% Mark - [NodeHIN] - Hawthorn East near cnr of Riversdale Rd and Auburn Rd Andrew - [NodeADD] (Hawthorn) Cnr Burwood and Glenferrie Roads - in a hollow {/regexpicons/emoticons/emoticon-face4.png :(}%%% ---- !! LocFinder Page (/maps/area.php?id=1 RGCentral) Map {http://www.melbournewireless.org.au/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/home/mapserver/melbourne-350x350.map&imgext=144.91+-37.899+145.185+-37.717&mode=map&imgxy=175+175&layer=area_nodes_1&layer=area_boundary_1&layer=links&layer=rivers RGCentral}%%% Your node is not appearing on this map? You will need to edit your node details in [LocFinder] and set your OSPF region to 1 (Central). %%% (http://www.melbournewireless.org.au/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/home/mapserver/bigmap.map&imgext=144.91+-37.899+145.185+-37.717&mode=map&imgxy=300+300&layer=area_nodes_1&layer=area_boundary_1&layer=links&layer=rivers&layer=roads&layer=semiroads big map) that shows roads%%% (http://www.melbournewireless.org.au/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/home/mapserver/huge.map&imgext=144.91+-37.899+145.185+-37.717&mode=map&imgxy=640+512&layer=area_nodes_1&layer=area_boundary_1&layer=links&layer=rivers&layer=roads&layer=semiroads&layer=contours huge map) that shows roads and contours.%%% ---- !! Meetings Something soon (hopefully an erection party for [NodeGBJ]) !! Mailing List rgcentral@wireless.org.au To subscribe, email (mailto:majordomo@wireless.org.au?body=subscribe%20rgcentral majordomo@wireless.org.au) with the phrase: "subscribe rgcentral" in the body of the message. Archives available soon.%%% ---- Back to [RegionalGroups]