|| {http://melbournewireless.org.au/nodes/map?id=JCP http://melbournewireless.org.au/nodes/view?id=JCP Node JCP} || '''Owner''': (/users/?tmadam tmadam)%%% %%%'''Location''': 170 Westgarth St, Northcote (corner of Jeffrey St)%%% %%% '''Status''': Interested, no wireless hardware yet%%% %%% '''SSID:''' <[SSID]>%%% %%% '''Connecting...'''%%% Set your SSID to __nodejcp.wireless.org.au__ and contact (/users/?tmadam tmadam) for more information. || !! Node Log ++++ 05/11/2005 - First Entry ++++ !! Equipment I currently own Pentium IV I run Windows XP !! Services Will appear on (/maps/view?id=JCP maps page) when they become available !! Plans I intend to buy I would like to link up to my brother-in-law at (/wiki/?NodeBDI NodeBDI) !! Problems I need info on [FAQ what to purchase and how to set it up].