! The following is an overview of NodeGLT: !!! Current Status * Currently in testing mode. * Running Access Point 24/7 * Set Access Point SSID as "NodeGLT" * Set the AP to Channel 1 * If you can connect to my AP please email me: !!! Access Point Information I am currently using a SVEC access point, see link. http://www.svec.com/PRODUCTS/wireless/FD1811.asp The AP was purchased through the Melbourne Wireless TIB, see link. http://melbourne.wireless.org.au/tib.php !!! Antenna My antenna is an Omni directional homemade using LMR400 cable and based on an article at the following link: http://wireless.gumph.org/articles/homemadeomni.html. For properties of the LMR400, see link. http://www.timesmicrowave.com/telecom/pdf/LMRGuide.pdf I used the following to calculate my sector length for the LMR400: * V = velocity factor of LMR400 = .85 * C = speed of light = 299792458 * F = frequency of signal midpoint = 2441000000 * Calculated 1/2 wavelength as 52.19mm and based my construction on this sector length. Cable loss from Access Point to Antenna is calculated as follows: * 150mm of LMR195 = .1 dB approx. (19dB / 100 ft = 19dB / 30480mm = .0935dB / 150mm) plus * Connector = .5 dB approx. plus * 2300mm of LMR400 = .5 dB approx. (6.8dB / 100 ft = 6.8dB / 30480mm = .51 dB / 2300mm) Total Loss = 1.1 dB !!! Nodedb.com I have found the plotting features of the www.nodedb.com site useful, for this reason I have also registered with this site, see link below for further details. http://www.nodedb.com/australia/vic/melbourne/view.php?nodeid=349 My node id in Melbourne is as follows: 349 - via www.nodedb.com GLT - via melbourne.wireless.org.au ! Must Do! * Interested to contribute to getting an effective wireless network operational in our area. * Try and link with NodeGKV