|| {http://melbournewireless.org.au/nodes/map?id=FUS http://melbournewireless.org.au/nodes/view?id=FUS Node FUS} || '''Owner''': <(/users/?nevyn nevyn)> and <(/users/?jaymzj) jaymz)>%%% %%%'''Location''': 616 Bell Street, Preston%%% %%% '''Status''': Operational, Linked to GHO and BHH, and running an AP on a 15db omni%%% %%% '''SSID:''' nodefus.wireless.org.au%%% %%% '''Connecting...'''%%% Set your SSID to __nodefus.wireless.org.au__, dhcp yourself an IP, and contact (/users/?jaymzj jaymz) or (/users/?nevyn nevyn) for more information. || !! Node Log ++++ 22/05/2005 - Deleted everything previous and used this spiffy templated ++++ !! Equipment I currently own an industrial laser, but not much Wifi gear.. But Craig and Rob helped out, so it's all good {/regexpicons/emoticons/emoticon-face1.png :)}. !! Services I should Elaborate on services seen on the (/maps/view?id=FUS maps page), but I'm not going to. Duh. !! Plans I intend to but an elephant. !! Problems I don't have any cash {/regexpicons/emoticons/emoticon-face1.png :)} I am surrounded by humans {/regexpicons/emoticons/emoticon-face1.png :)}. I need info on [elephants].