|| {http://melbournewireless.org.au/nodes/map?id=CBV http://melbournewireless.org.au/nodes/view?id=CBV Node CBV} || '''Owner''': <(/users/?LapTop006 LapTop006)>%%% %%%'''Location''': 92 Rosslyn St, West Melbourne%%% %%% '''Status''':%%% eg: Linked to , covering local area from to using <[Antenna]>%%% %%% '''SSID:''' <[SSID]>%%% %%% '''Connecting...'''%%% Set your SSID to __nodecbv.wireless.org.au__ and contact (/users/?your_username your_username) for more information. || !! Node Log ++++ 22/08/2004 - First Entry ++++ !! Equipment We run exclusivly on Debian GNU/Linux (potato, woody, sarge and sid) Looking at running a few AP's on a pole... !! Services We run a VPN for access into our private network and will serve DNS and DHCP and route other traffic. !! Plans Hope to eventually link up with InnerNorth !! Problems We don't have any cash We are surrounded by skyscrapers (well, on one side) We rent the building