28/11/03 the node was up and running but I'm in a huge hole. FPU has been down since May and as thats been the only link I've been able to get out to the mw world from here then I guess I'm rooted. So until I can get a link with someone then the node will be off or on depending on what I'm doing that day. 26/5/03 moved node to Northcote. I'm in a hole. The [WL200] has been moved to NodeFPU and needs to be configured there but I'm hoping to use the configuration below to connect to it. Upgraded the wireless box to a celeron 366 with 2 wireless interfaces. Local connects need to be done in ad-hoc and I haven't put an omni up for that interface yet, so its just me!! 30/12/02 Ip allocations have been handed out, I'll start using them once I move to Northcote in a few weeks.. hopefully. More to come. 08/12/02 Changed a few things, the WL200 is now running in ad-hoc (IBSS). I'm still waiting on the IP allocation to go live (again) so until then the old ip addresses still apply. The antenna is still pointing out towards the brewery in Abbotsford. The node will be on and off depending on what I'm doing. If I can get a link up with someone then I'll go back to 24hr operations and concentrate more on stability than new toys. Otherwise, there's a probable change of location to Northcote early next year. 26/11/02 Okay, took a little longer than I expected but the nodes up again. I'll get dhcp up and running this week, I swear. Maybe point the antenna at someone else since CIA has moved.... 18/10/02 The nodes been running continuously for the last 6 months pretty well. Sometime over the next few days the node will come down, should be back up in 3-4 weeks. If someone is interested in testing over this time let me know and I'll try and get something plugged in for you. 1/6/02 The node is up and running again. It *should* be on 24/7. 15/6/02 Connection established with [NodeCIA] now the routing fun begins. Node Details. Enterasys running in Ad-Hoc/IBSS in the same linux box as the other (below) ESSID : bcg.wireless.org.au mode : IBSS (or Add-Hoc for the non-pedantic) IP : ENTERASYS running in client mode in a linux box ESSID : any (planned link to FPU AP) mode : AP Current IP address : This is connected to a cantenna combined with an 16ish db dish and should give extended range. OSPF is running on this as well Services : HTTP (on, sometimes), DHCP (allocating numbers, but you'll be lucky to find this working), SSH (maybe if you ask nice, but probably not). ------ I'm running 2 Enterasys with a bunch of LMR400 and (currently) a Tin Can antenna connected to one Enterasys. Its in Ad-Hoc mode at the moment. Attempting to link with [NodeFPU], then with the rest of the [RGInnerNorth]. Trying to encourage other people in the area to get online. I'll be trying something like nocatauth if I can figure it out... !!! Issues Having fun with Debian cos of the huge numbers of issues with Redhat !!! Plans Install an ethenet type access point on the node to replace (or supplement) one of the enterasys cards.