HowTo is literally How To. Howto guides have sprung up all over the Internet over the past couple of years, especially since [Linux] started becoming widely popular. A Howto guide is basially a step-by-step recipie for achieving a desired outcome which many people may find too complex or time-consuming to work out on their own. Please peruse the following list of Melbourne Wireless Howtos: * [CategoryHowTo] * [CoordinatesHowto] * [DebianChrootHowto] * [FreeSWANandWindowsHowto] * [GettingStartedHowto] * [HowToBuildANode] * [HowToLinkToBackbone] * [LinuxCommandHowTo] * [MelbourneWirelessNetshHowto] * [RoutingHowTo] If you feel something is missing, please add your input to either the existing Howtos or create your own! ! Off-site Howtos: There is the How To collection at ( The Linux Documentation Project) I don't know if the ( Microsoft Knowledge Base) qualifies but it must be the next best thing. For [Apple] there is ... ? (I'm way out of my League here!) Other than that, it reduces the number of Google hits from ( 22 million) to ( 5.4 million), I guess that helps?%%%