! Melbourne Wireless Inc. Committee Meeting '''Please address all comments and queries to [Comittee the committee].''' '''Attendance at committee meetings is by invitation from the committee only. Members and the general public are welcome to attend any [MelbWirelessMeetings general meeting].''' '''Date:''' 6th February 2003 '''Start:''' 6:30PM '''Finish:''' 9:00PM '''Location:''' Solomon Room%%%(http://www.csiro.au/index.asp?type=map&id=ClaytonVIC-IanWarkLab Ian Wark Laboratory)%%%Bayview Avenue%%%Clayton VIC 3168 !!! Attendees '''President:''' [TysonClugg Tyson Clugg] (TC) '''Vice President:''' [DarrenDreis Darren Dreis] (DD) '''Secretary:''' [VaskosTsiatis Vaskos Tsiatis](VT) '''Treasurer:'''[JamesHealy James Healy] (JH) '''Ordinary Committee Members:''' [Clae David Gason] (DG)%%%[TroyMitchell Troy Mitchell] (TM) '''Guest Speakers:''' (none) !!! Apologies (none) ---- !! 1. Opening Remarks (TC) ---- !! 2. Correspondance (VT) ---- !! 3. Membership (VT) Details of membership will not be published due to privacy requirements, and will instead be minuted by the Secretary [VaskosTsiatis Vaskos Tsiatis] and kept separate from the public minutes. !!! 3.1 New Members !!! 3.2 Online system The new version of locfinder now has 'users'. Should we included the membership DB with that? !!! 3.3 Membership Process what is it?%%% When do we take the applicants money? ---- !! 4. Financial Report (JH) !!! 4.1 Budget !!! 4.2 House bill status !!! 4.3 Transferring books to James ---- !! 5. Business !!! 5.1 BDO Wrap Up !!! 5.2 MelbPC Wrap Up !!! 5.3 Regional Groups Mailing lists?? !!! 5.4 T-shirts / Merchandise Where are these at? !!! 5.5 New Server Where is this at?%%% Timeframe for going live?%%% What needs to be done and by whom? !!! 5.6 Planning Day Do we need one?%%% If so, When? And whoe will organise it? ---- !! 6. General Business ---- !! 7. Action List ---- Back to the [Committee] page.