!! Interesting Mathematics '''Decibels (dBm) and milli-Watts (mW) Relationship:''' dBm = 10 log (mW) '''Typical loss per connector at 2.4Ghz:''' 0.25 - 0.5 dBm '''Antenna Gain:''' Gain(dBi) = 10 log (n * ( (4*PI)/lambda^2 ) * A) Where, A = Area of antenna n = ? '''Approximate Antenna Gain (Yagi and Omni antennas):''' Gain(dBi) = 10 log (#elements) '''Wave Length:''' lambda(mm) = 300 / freq(Ghz) (eg for 2.4Ghz, lambda = 123mm) '''Wave Length (in Coax):''' lambda(mm) = 300 / velocity(%) / freq(Ghz) (eg LMR400 has velocity factor of 0.85, lambda = 123 * 0.85 = 104.5mm) Note: For brass tubing (4/16") use a velocity factor of 0.95 '''Path Loss, Attenuation Due to Air (signal loss in air):''' Loss (dB) = 10 log ( ( (4*PI*d) / lambda ) ^ 2 ) Where, d = distance (in meters) lambda = wave length (in meters) or for 2.4Ghz use Loss (dB) = 40 + 20 log (d) Note: Fade margin, usually an additional loss of 10dB is added to take into account things like frensal zones, multipath and other real world stuff '''EIRP (Effective Isotropic Radiated Power) Calculating:''' (Transmitter Gain:) EIRP(dB) = Card Output(dBm) + Antenna Gain(dBi) - Cable Loss(dBm) - Connector Losses(dBm) Note: EIRP for 2.4 to 2.462Ghz ISM band must be <= 4W '''Receiver Gain:''' Gr = Antenna Gain(dBi) - Connector Losses(dBm) - Cable Loss(dBm) '''Link Budget:''' Link Budget = Path Loss + Rx Sensitivity + Gt + Gr Adjusted Link Budget = Link Budget - 10dB (ie fade margin) Note: Use -ve of Rx Sensitivity (ie value is positive, --84 => 84) '''Over-the-Air Data Rate:''' RF Data Rate = (Dpl + Dao + Dro) * (1 + rt) / time Where, Dpl = payload data in bits Dao = application overhead in bits/payload transmission Dro = radio data overhead in bits rt = retry percentage '''Receive Sensitivity (just read data sheet):''' Rx Sensitivity = Thermal Noise Floor + System Noise + 10 log (SymbolRate) + SNR ---- See also: PowerAndGainToDecibels