|| {http://melbournewireless.org.au/nodes/map?id=JAP http://melbournewireless.org.au/nodes/view?id=JAP Node JAP} || '''Owner''': <(/users/?jcond jcond)>%%% %%%'''Location''': , %%% %%% '''Status''':%%% eg: Linked to , covering local area from to using <[Antenna]>%%% %%% '''SSID:''' <[SSID]>%%% %%% '''Connecting...'''%%% Set your SSID to __nodexxx.wireless.org.au__ and contact (/users/?jcond jcond) for more information. || !! Node Log ++++ 16/09/2006 - First Entry ++++ !! Equipment I currently own I run {http://www.melbournewireless.org.au/files/Images/picture.png Photo of node setup} !! Services Elaborate on services seen on the (/maps/view?id=JAP maps page). The node must be in __testing or operational__ to be listed !! Plans I intend to buy I intend to link up to I intend to make one of [Cantenna these] !! Problems I don't have any idea on how to setup I need info on [FAQ what to purchase and how to set it up].