|| NodeMap:IWB || '''Owner''': (/users/?jonathan jonathan)%%% %%%'''Location''': Park Street, Pascoe Vale%%% %%% '''Status''': Gathering Info%%% %%% '''SSID:''' Not yet...%%% %%% '''Connecting...'''%%% You can't, just yet! || !! Node Log ++++ 19/05/05 - Registered on Melbourne Wireless 18/06/05 - Got up on the roof and took some LOS photographs ++++ !! Equipment I run Ubuntu Linux (Warty Warthog 4.10) on my main machine, and have a second older machine with Win98 & Debian Sarge. I have Ralink RT2500 based wifi cards in both machines, and am playing about a bit with them !! Plans I am looking to create a node for the fun of it. I'll need some help, I guess, in testing it when I get it operational. First things first though, some research... As I'm in a little bit of a hollow, I'll probably need to put up a reasonably high mast. I've been in touch with Adrian (Node HKP) which is the closest node I'd have a chance of connecting with. This is really a chicken and the egg scenario though. I have gotten up on the roof and taken some LOS photographs. These photographs were taken about 1.2m above the ridge-cap of the roof, which is how far the tripod extended. From these I have created a somewhat dodgy (http://members.optusnet.com.au/jonathan_rabbitt/melbournewireless/panorama.jpg panorama) More particularly, here is a full resolution (http://members.optusnet.com.au/jonathan_rabbitt/melbournewireless/img_4141.jpg image) (3.6MB) looking toward node (http://www.melbournewireless.org.au/maps/view?id=hkp HKP) And, here is a full resolution (http://members.optusnet.com.au/jonathan_rabbitt/melbournewireless/img_4146.jpg image) (3.6MB) looking toward node (http://www.melbournewireless.org.au/maps/view?id=hkp IKG) !! Problems I'm in a bit of a hollow.