27/05/05 Having some problems with mounting my mast, need to borrow a ladder or something. Getting a whole lot of adsl soon. Feel the need to share. 28/12/04 I'm Presently working on re-arranging my hardware setup, so the External antenna is disconnected. 20/11/04 I've Recently purchaced 2x 20db parabolic antenna's and I have more than enough wireless cards/AP's if anyone is interested in linking up with me. Node Details: Freenet Node: IBN SSID: wi0.vic.aubroadband.net MAC: 00:09:5b:40:8d:30 IP Space: DHCP Client Range: - Web access is available through password protected web proxy on port 3128 freenet clients may connect with username: freenet password: freenet01 DNS Name for web proxy proxy.wi0.vic.aubroadband.net There is no WEP or SSL encription on this node, but it is quite heavily firewalled, connections on port 53 for DNS resolution, port 25 for SMTP mail, port 3128 for Web-Proxy, and port 22 for SSH Connections will be accepted. Any questions can be directed to: reamo@aubroadband.net