*** [#vitals Vitals] ** [#official_details Official Details] ** [#pictures Pictures] ** [#oem_firmware OEM Firmware] ** [#alternate_firmware Alternate Firmware] ** [#support_forum Support Forum] ** [#misc_notes___links Misc Notes & Links] ** [#modifications___addon_s Modifications / Addon's] ** [#discussion Discussion] !!! Vitals * '''Manufacturer :''' Motorola * '''Model :''' Canopy 5800AP / 5800SM Versions * '''Type :''' Access Point / Subscriber Module * '''External Antenna Jack :''' Ntype female on tail versions * '''USB Ports :''' Nil * '''Parallel port :''' Nil * '''Power : ''' 24v via inbuilt POE * '''Wlan Chipset :''' Motorola * '''Transmit Power :''' ** xxmW default (Change to spec of card or put TBA) ** xxmW max (Change to spec of card or put TBA) * '''Recieve Sensitivity :''' ** -xxdB @ 1Mbps (Change to spec of card or put TBA) ** -xxdB @ 11Mbps (Change to spec of card or put TBA) * '''Available New :''' Yes * '''Average Price :''' Around $1400 for AP $550 for SM * '''Vitals last updated :''' 18/4/08 !! Official Details !! Pictures (http://www.melbourne.wireless.org.au/files/photos/canopy/canopy-poe-pinout.JPG Canopy POE Pinout Image) (http://perfectresume.org/ resume help) (http://www.shoppharmacycounter.com/t-phentermine.aspx phentermine) (http://www.cheapsaleshop.net/ designer clothing) !! OEM Firmware !! Alternate Firmware !! Support Forum !! Misc Notes & Links !! Modifications / Addon's !! Discussion